Page 18 - OE Guide
P. 18

Disability Coverage

Short Term Disability

Short term disability (STD) provides you with a percentage of your
weekly income while you are out of work following a non-work related
accident or illness. Franke provides STD coverage at no cost to you. After
you have been disabled for seven days, you may receive two full weeks
of 100 percent pay for each completed calendar year of service up to
a maximum of 1,040 hours. You will then receive 50 percent pay with
beneits continuing for up to 26 weeks.

Long Term Disability

Long term disability (LTD) protects your income by providing you with
a percentage of your income while you are disabled. Franke provides
an LTD beneit at no cost to you. In the event of an illness or accident
that requires a lengthy recovery which lasts longer than six months, you
may be eligible for a beneit up to 60 percent of your monthly salary, up
to a maximum of $10,000 per month for as long as you continue to be
disabled under the plan.

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