Page 15 - OE Guide
P. 15

Life and AD&D Insurance

Basic Life Insurance

Franke provides, at no cost to you, basic life and accidental death and
dismemberment insurance. This coverage offers inancial protection to
you if you suffer certain debilitating injuries or to your beneiciaries in
the event of your death. Your coverage amount is equal to two times
your annual base compensation. Your life insurance beneit also includes
accidental death and dismemberment beneits. If you should die in an
accident, the plan will pay two times your annual base compensation.

If you die while covered by this plan, the beneit is paid to the beneiciary
(or beneiciaries) you designate through the Choicelinx system. This basic
life insurance coverage is paid in full by Franke and is fully insured by
Cigna. Please use this open enrollment opportunity to make sure your

beneiciary information is up to date.

2016 Open Enrollment
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20