Page 18 - NextCare Holdings 2021 Annual Benefits Enrollment
P. 18

Long Term Disability (NextCare Paid Employee Monthly Rate per $10 of
Benefit) Weekly Benefit

NextCare provides a long term disability beneit in Employee Age
the amount of 60% of your gross monthly earnings Age 44 and Under $0 .54
(subject to age limitations), less income you may 45–49 $0 .55
receive from other sources such as Social Security, 50–54 $0 .58
workers’ compensation, etc. Beneits begin after a 55–59 $0 .67
90-day elimination period and may continue up to the 60–64 $0 .74
point speciically outlined in the disability booklet. 65+ $0 .78
This plan does have a pre-existing conditions clause
you should review in more detail. NextCare pays for Please use ADP self-service to help you calculate your bi-weekly payroll
deduction amount .
the premium of this beneit, therefore you have no
payroll deduction. A full summary of this beneit can Disability insurance is ofered through The Hartford.
be found on the NextCare Intranet.

Short Term Disability

NextCare offers voluntary short term disability
insurance, which can help you replace a portion of
your income during the initial weeks of disability. The
beneit amount is 60% of your pre-disability earnings.
The maximum weekly beneit is $1,500. The STD
beneits begin after the end of the elimination period,
14 days. The elimination period begins on the day you
become disabled and is the length of time you must
wait, while disabled, before you are eligible to receive
a beneit. The maximum beneit duration is 11 weeks
of disability. There is a pre-existing conditions clause,
which you can review in the Certiicate of Insurance/
Summary Plan Description posted on the NextCare
Intranet. If you decline this beneit when newly
eligible, you will be required to complete a personal
health application to be considered for coverage if you
wish to enroll during an open enrollment period later.

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