Page 18 - Open Enrollment Guide Sample
P. 18
For most people, it would be dificult Full-Time Salaried Team Members
to replace enough income to meet your The Company automatically enrolls salaried team members in
monthly expenses if you were unable to the STD plan on the irst of the month following 60 days of
work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy. employment—whether you are enrolled in the medical plan or not.
[Client] recognizes this and is pleased to In the event of a disability, full-time salaried team members must
offer disability beneits to all full-time irst use any remaining Personal Days Off (PDOs). This does not
team members. apply to Executive Management. Then disability payments begin
immediately for an illness or injury due to an accident and may
How Short-Term Disability continue for up to 13 weeks within any 24 month period.
(STD) Works
Full-Time Hourly Team Members Your Short-Term Disability beneit amount is 66 2/3% of
your regular bi-weekly pay rate. When a claim for Short-Term
Hourly team members must be enrolled Disability is iled, a historical review of the prior 24 months
in the medical plan to receive Short-Term will be conducted and no further beneit will be paid once an
Disability coverage. In the event of a individual has received 13 weeks of payments within a rolling 24
disability, full-time hourly team members month period. All claims for Short Term Disability beneits due to
must irst use any remaining Personal the birth of a child (maternity beneits) will not be considered in
Days Off (PDOs). Then, disability determining the maximum beneit of 13 weeks of pay in any 24
payments begin after seven days for an month period.
illness or immediately if your disability
is due to an accident. Payments may How Long-Term Disability (LTD) Works
continue for a maximum of 12 weeks
(including the seven-day waiting period, if Salaried Team Members Only
applicable). The amount the plan pays is As a full-time salaried team member, your LTD coverage is
based on your annual earnings. equal to 66 2/3% of your base salary (limits apply). [Client]
automatically enrolls you in the plan on the irst of the month
STD Full-Time Hourly Benefit following 60 days of full-time salaried employment—whether
Annual Earnings Bi-Weekly Beneit you are enrolled in the medical plan or not. Payments begin after
Up to $15,080 $300 90 continuous days of disability. Pre-existing conditions are not
$15,080 to $19,000 $400 covered until you have been covered under LTD for one year from
$20,000 or more $500
the date your coverage begins. Pre-existing condition is something
STD Full-Time Salaried Benefit you have received treatment for within three months prior to your
Years of Service Beneit Amount LTD effective date. Payments may be reduced by other sources of
All full-time salaried 66.67% of disability income (for example, Social Security).
team members regular pay
For most people, it would be dificult Full-Time Salaried Team Members
to replace enough income to meet your The Company automatically enrolls salaried team members in
monthly expenses if you were unable to the STD plan on the irst of the month following 60 days of
work due to illness, injury, or pregnancy. employment—whether you are enrolled in the medical plan or not.
[Client] recognizes this and is pleased to In the event of a disability, full-time salaried team members must
offer disability beneits to all full-time irst use any remaining Personal Days Off (PDOs). This does not
team members. apply to Executive Management. Then disability payments begin
immediately for an illness or injury due to an accident and may
How Short-Term Disability continue for up to 13 weeks within any 24 month period.
(STD) Works
Full-Time Hourly Team Members Your Short-Term Disability beneit amount is 66 2/3% of
your regular bi-weekly pay rate. When a claim for Short-Term
Hourly team members must be enrolled Disability is iled, a historical review of the prior 24 months
in the medical plan to receive Short-Term will be conducted and no further beneit will be paid once an
Disability coverage. In the event of a individual has received 13 weeks of payments within a rolling 24
disability, full-time hourly team members month period. All claims for Short Term Disability beneits due to
must irst use any remaining Personal the birth of a child (maternity beneits) will not be considered in
Days Off (PDOs). Then, disability determining the maximum beneit of 13 weeks of pay in any 24
payments begin after seven days for an month period.
illness or immediately if your disability
is due to an accident. Payments may How Long-Term Disability (LTD) Works
continue for a maximum of 12 weeks
(including the seven-day waiting period, if Salaried Team Members Only
applicable). The amount the plan pays is As a full-time salaried team member, your LTD coverage is
based on your annual earnings. equal to 66 2/3% of your base salary (limits apply). [Client]
automatically enrolls you in the plan on the irst of the month
STD Full-Time Hourly Benefit following 60 days of full-time salaried employment—whether
Annual Earnings Bi-Weekly Beneit you are enrolled in the medical plan or not. Payments begin after
Up to $15,080 $300 90 continuous days of disability. Pre-existing conditions are not
$15,080 to $19,000 $400 covered until you have been covered under LTD for one year from
$20,000 or more $500
the date your coverage begins. Pre-existing condition is something
STD Full-Time Salaried Benefit you have received treatment for within three months prior to your
Years of Service Beneit Amount LTD effective date. Payments may be reduced by other sources of
All full-time salaried 66.67% of disability income (for example, Social Security).
team members regular pay