Page 12 - Great Circle
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We partner with Superior Vision to ofer you and your family members vision insurance. Visit to ind in-network providers and access to a variety of online tools and programs.

Exams Covered in full, after $10 Vision coverage provided by
(every 12 months) copayment Superior Vision.
Materials (applies to lenses
and frames only, not $25 copayment
contact lenses) Discount Features
Lenses (every 12 months)
Single Covered in full Look for providers in the provider directory who
Lined Bifocal Covered in full accept discounts, as some do not; please verify their
Lined Trifocal Covered in full services and discounts (range from 10%-30%) prior
Polycarbonate Lenses For Covered in full for dependent to service as they vary.
Dependent Children children to age 19
Frames (every rolling 24 months) Additional Details
$130 allowance
Approved Contact Lenses (every rolling 12 months) in Lieu of You have access to a wide range of retail providers
Glasses including Visionworks, Costco, LensCrafters, Walmart
Vision Centers, and Sam’s Club. Network provider status is
$130 allowance subject to change at any time. It is highly recommended
Contact Lens Fitting $30 copayment you double check the status of in-network providers before
Medically Necessary Covered in full your visit at, and search for
providers in the Superior National network.

Vision Contributions Members can visit and receive

Per Pay Period full in-network beneits for new contacts.
Employee Only $3.32 All new members receive personalized ID cards in the mail,
Employee + 1 Dependent $5.60 beneit materials, and access to online information after
Family $8.35 enrollment.

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