Page 15 - Great Circle
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Benefits Guide

Critical Illness Accident Coverage

Critical illness coverage is designed to help you Accident coverage pays a beneit to you for a
ofset the inancial efects of a catastrophic illness speciic covered accident to help you cover the
with a lump sum beneit if you or a loved one are healthcare costs associated with that non-work
diagnosed with a covered critical illness. The critical related accident although you may choose to spend
illness beneit is based on the amount of coverage your beneit however you would like. A full list
in efect on the date of diagnosis of a critical illness of covered accidents is available on the myCircle
or the date treatment is received according to the intranet under Beneits. We have included a short
terms and provisions of the policy. Employees have example list in this guide. This coverage does not
a maximum beneit of $10,000, and spouses and cover work-related accidents and your premium is
children have a maximum beneit of $5,000 each. determined when you enroll.
This coverage is based on age and tobacco usage.
See the online enrollment system for rates. Accident Beneit Beneit Amount
Emergency Room $200
Urgent Care $200
401(k) Primary Care Physician $75

You are immediately eligible to contribute to your 401(k) Ground Ambulance $400
plan. After one year of employment the plan matches up Air Ambulance $1,200
to 6% of your contribution. After your 6th year you are Hospital Admission $1,500
100% vested in the matching dollars Great Circle provides.
After 10 years of employment, the plan matches 167% of a Hospital Coninement (per day) $300
6% contribution or approximately 10%. ICU Coninement (per day) $600
Broken Ankle $1,500
You will enroll in this plan through the EPIC Retirement
Plan Services website at Request an Broken Wrist $1,500
online access form from your HR Coordinator. You can also Broken Finger $200
call EPIC at 800.716.3742 for additional guidance. Dislocated Shoulder $750
X-Ray $50
Physical Therapy (per session) $50
Concussion $200
Coma $5,000
Knee Cartilage (Torn/Exploratory) $750/$200
Lodging (per day) $500
Transportation (per trip) $500

This is not a comprehensive list of your
coverage details. Please see plan documents for
more information.

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