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Benefits Guide
Your 2022 Benefits Guide
At Great Circle, we ofer our employees a competitive and comprehensive beneits program. This is one of
many ways we recognize how important you are to the company.
Annual Enrollment Qualifying Life Event
Annual enrollment is your annual opportunity to Once you make your elections, you will not be able
review your current beneits and make beneit to make changes until the next annual enrollment
changes for the upcoming plan year. During period unless you experience a qualifying life event.
annual enrollment, you can add, change, or decline A qualifying life event is a change in your personal
coverage. In addition, you can add and/or drop life that may impact your eligibility or dependent’s
dependents during this time. eligibility for beneits. Examples of some qualifying
events include the following.
New Hire Enrollment z Change of legal marital status (e.g., marriage,
Welcome to Great Circle! As a new employee you divorce, death of spouse, legal separation)
and your eligible dependents are invited to enroll in z Change in number of dependents (e.g., birth,
our beneits program for the irst time. Your beneits adoption, death of dependent, ineligibility due
are efective irst of the month following two full to age)
months of employment. For example, if you are
hired on January 15 your coverage starts on April 1. z Change in employment or job status
Once your elections are inalized you cannot change z Involuntarily loss of coverage (e.g., turn age 26,
your elections outside of our annual enrollment Medicaid end, loss of coverage due to divorce,
period unless you experience a qualifying life event. coverage through another employer ends)
Monthly Premiums You should notify your employer within 30 days of
the qualifying event.
Health and welfare premiums are paid on a monthly
basis. If you separate from Great Circle and have Contacting You About Benefits
paid partial premium, the remaining portion will Great Circle may contact you by home mailing
be due by the 2nd pay period. If you know in address, email (work or personal), or cell phone
advance you are leaving Great Circle, then contact (text message to work or personal) in order to for premium communicate beneit information. Remember
payments. Great Circle with deduct both premium to inform the HR Coordinator of changes to this
payments out of one paycheck when possible.
information to keep your personnel records up to
date if you move or have a phone number change.
Benefits Guide
Your 2022 Benefits Guide
At Great Circle, we ofer our employees a competitive and comprehensive beneits program. This is one of
many ways we recognize how important you are to the company.
Annual Enrollment Qualifying Life Event
Annual enrollment is your annual opportunity to Once you make your elections, you will not be able
review your current beneits and make beneit to make changes until the next annual enrollment
changes for the upcoming plan year. During period unless you experience a qualifying life event.
annual enrollment, you can add, change, or decline A qualifying life event is a change in your personal
coverage. In addition, you can add and/or drop life that may impact your eligibility or dependent’s
dependents during this time. eligibility for beneits. Examples of some qualifying
events include the following.
New Hire Enrollment z Change of legal marital status (e.g., marriage,
Welcome to Great Circle! As a new employee you divorce, death of spouse, legal separation)
and your eligible dependents are invited to enroll in z Change in number of dependents (e.g., birth,
our beneits program for the irst time. Your beneits adoption, death of dependent, ineligibility due
are efective irst of the month following two full to age)
months of employment. For example, if you are
hired on January 15 your coverage starts on April 1. z Change in employment or job status
Once your elections are inalized you cannot change z Involuntarily loss of coverage (e.g., turn age 26,
your elections outside of our annual enrollment Medicaid end, loss of coverage due to divorce,
period unless you experience a qualifying life event. coverage through another employer ends)
Monthly Premiums You should notify your employer within 30 days of
the qualifying event.
Health and welfare premiums are paid on a monthly
basis. If you separate from Great Circle and have Contacting You About Benefits
paid partial premium, the remaining portion will Great Circle may contact you by home mailing
be due by the 2nd pay period. If you know in address, email (work or personal), or cell phone
advance you are leaving Great Circle, then contact (text message to work or personal) in order to for premium communicate beneit information. Remember
payments. Great Circle with deduct both premium to inform the HR Coordinator of changes to this
payments out of one paycheck when possible.
information to keep your personnel records up to
date if you move or have a phone number change.