Page 4 - Great Circle
P. 4
Benefits Eligibility
Eligible Employees
You may enroll in the beneits program if you
are a regular full-time employee who is actively
working an average of 30 hours or more weekly.
New employees must complete two full months of
employment after their date of hire before elected
coverage begins.
Eligible Dependents
Eligible dependents generally include your legally
married spouse and children. Children may include
natural, adopted, step-children, or children obtained
through court-appointed legal guardianship.
Children are covered until age 26 for medical and
vision insurance. Children are covered until age 19
for dental insurance or age 23 for full-time students.
Working Spouse Reminder
If your spouse receives an ofer of employer
sponsored health insurance through his or her own
employer, your spouse is not eligible for the Great
Circle health plan (including medical, dental, and
vision coverage).
SSN Required
You must provide a valid Social Security Number
and the name as it appears on the SSN card for
yourself and each enrolled dependent. Employers
are required to provide names and Social Security
Numbers to the federal government for each
individual enrolled in medical coverage.
Eligible Employees
You may enroll in the beneits program if you
are a regular full-time employee who is actively
working an average of 30 hours or more weekly.
New employees must complete two full months of
employment after their date of hire before elected
coverage begins.
Eligible Dependents
Eligible dependents generally include your legally
married spouse and children. Children may include
natural, adopted, step-children, or children obtained
through court-appointed legal guardianship.
Children are covered until age 26 for medical and
vision insurance. Children are covered until age 19
for dental insurance or age 23 for full-time students.
Working Spouse Reminder
If your spouse receives an ofer of employer
sponsored health insurance through his or her own
employer, your spouse is not eligible for the Great
Circle health plan (including medical, dental, and
vision coverage).
SSN Required
You must provide a valid Social Security Number
and the name as it appears on the SSN card for
yourself and each enrolled dependent. Employers
are required to provide names and Social Security
Numbers to the federal government for each
individual enrolled in medical coverage.