Page 3 - Vidant Health 2021 Annual Enrollment Team Members
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Vidant Health Benefits Guide

You Need to Take Action!

You must enroll online to receive beneits for 2021.
If you do not want beneits, you should log into ALEX helps you choose your
Employee Self Service, designate beneiciaries where benefits
applicable and decline the remaining beneits. All new ALEX is a virtual beneits counselor that can help you better
hires and newly beneit-eligible team members must understand and make decisions about your beneits.
enroll within 30 calendar days of their date of hire or
the date they become beneit eligible. To enroll as a You can connect with ALEX. Just answer a few questions
new hire/newly-beneit eligible team member, go to and ALEX will help you igure out the best coverage for you.
ALEX takes the amount each plan would cost you out of your
Employee Self Service and click on “Beneit Details” paycheck and adds that amount to the cost of the services
and then click on “Beneits Enrollment” to begin your you said you might use. Then ALEX recommends the best
elections. If you need assistance, contact HR Services at plan for your needs.
252-816-PHIN (7446).
Talk to ALEX at:
For Annual Enrollment, go to Employee Self Service If you need to take time of for a leave of absence, then click
home page and click on the “Annual Enrollment” tile to
begin your elections.

You can ind more information about enrollment on
the following pages, including helpful tools like ALEX
to assist with your decision-making process. Remember
you need to take action to make sure you have the
coverage that is right for you.

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