Page 6 - Vidant Health 2021 Annual Enrollment Team Members
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Health Care

Premiums for Coverage

Vidant provides medical, dental and vision care beneits. To access these beneits, you pay a premium, deducted
before taxes, bi-weekly from your pay.

The amount you pay is determined by a few factors:

„ Whether you want to include just yourself, your „ You are free to choose any other health care
entire family or some combination in between. coverage you wish and decline any coverage you

„ For the medical plan you have three choices: The do not want. For instance, you can select medical
Medical Savings Plan (MSP), the Basic Plan and coverage, but decline dental and vision. Or select
the Choice Plan. You can ind more details about dental, but no medical or vision. Any combination is
these plans under the “Medical” section (starting acceptable.
on Page 8). While the premiums for each of these „ For medical beneits, there are different rates for
plans varies, so do the beneits covered. You should full-time versus part-time team members. For dental
consider both the premium amount and the amount and vision, the rates are the same.
of beneits coverage under each plan before making
your selection.

The team member contributions for 2021 are shown in the following tables.

Full-Time Team Members—Bi-Weekly Deductions

Coverage Medical Savings Basic Medical Choice Medical Basic Dental Choice Dental Vision
Single $33 $38 $50 $9 $17.50 $2.71
+Child(ren)* $124 $145 $168 $16.50 $30.50 $4.46
+ Spouse* $194 $227 $254 $19 $35.50 $4.07
Family* $213 $249 $278 $27 $50.50 $6.80

Part-Time Team Members—Bi-Weekly Deductions

Coverage Medical Savings Basic Medical Choice Medical Basic Dental Choice Dental Vision
Single $93 $108 $119 $9 $17.50 $2.71
+Child(ren)* $211 $247 $269 $16.50 $30.50 $4.46
+ Spouse* $268 $313 $342 $19 $35.50 $4.07
Family* $316 $369 $397 $27 $50.50 $6.80

* Includes domestic partner and domestic partner children.

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