Page 19 - Dent Wizard 2021 Annual Benefits Enrollment
P. 19
Dent Wizard Benefits Enrollment

Critical Illness Coverage

There are a lot of expenses associated with a critical Bi-Weekly Rates per $1,000 of Coverage
illness and a major medical plan usually won’t cover Age Associate Associate + Associate + Family
them all. Critical illness coverage helps you focus on Attained $0 .18 Spouse Child(ren) $0 .39
$0 .29
$0 .28
recuperation instead of being distracted by the extra 25 29 $0 .20 $0 .33 $0 .30 $0 .43
expenses you may be facing. Similar to life insurance 30 34 $0 .24 $0 .39 $0 .34 $0 .49
which pays your beneiciary a lump-sum beneit 35 39 $0 .30 $0 .48 $0 .40 $0 .57
upon death; a critical illness plan pays you a cash 40 44 $0 .40 $0 .63 $0 .50 $0 .73
beneit upon a diagnosis of a covered illness. Covered 45 49 $0 .56 $0 .86 $0 .65 $0 .96
diagnoses include but are not limited to the following. 50 54 $0 .83 $1 .24 $0 .93 $1 .33
55 59 $1 .21 $1 .74 $1 .30 $1 .84
‹ Cancer 60 64 $1 .72 $2 .43 $1 .82 $2 .53

‹ Heart attack 65 69 $2 .44 $3 .40 $2 .54 $3 .50
$4 .65
70 74
$4 .55
$3 .25
$3 .35
‹ Organ failure 75+ $4 .36 $6 .21 $4 .46 $6 .31
‹ Stroke
Wellness Benefit
Carrier MetLife This beneit pays $50 per calendar year per insured
Coverage Level Initial Beneit individual if a covered health screening test is performed,
Benign Brain Tumor 100% of beneit amount including blood tests, chest x-rays, stress tests,
Cancer Category mammograms, and colonoscopies. A full list of covered
tests will be provided in your certiicate.
Invasive Cancer 100% of beneit amount
Non-Invasive Cancer 25% of beneit amount
Skin Cancer 5% of beneit amount, but not Critical Illness Plan Options
less than $250 You have the choice of a $15,000 or $30,000 beneit
Cardiovascular Disease 50% of beneit amount amount .
Childhood Disease 100% of beneit amount Spouses will be ofered 50% and dependent child(ren) will
Category be ofered 50% of the associate beneit amount.
Functional Loss Category 100% of beneit amount
Heart Attack Category 100% of beneit amount Beneits are paid directly to you based on the beneit
Infectious Disease 25% of beneit amount
Kidney Failure Category 100% of beneit amount
Major Organ Transplant 100% of beneit amount
Progressive Disease 100% of beneit amount
Severe Burn Category 100% of beneit amount
Stroke Category 100% of beneit amount
Health Screening beneit Payable if an eligible covered
person takes one screening/
prevention measure—$50

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