Page 4 - HIMSS 2021 Benefits At A Glance
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Our 401(k) savings plan allows you to save for retirement on a pretax or Roth basis. You can begin contributing to the plan at any time
once you become eligible and start making contributions to your account through convenient payroll deductions. Employees who are at
least 21 years of age are eligible to participate in the plan following completion of six months of service and at least 500 hours of worked
hours with the company.
• HIMSS will match each dollar you contribute to the plan, up to the first 6%. You are immediately vested in the employer matching
• Profit Sharing: HIMSS has the discretion to make an annual non-elective contribution to your 401(k).
• Contributions from your pay are made on a pretax basis up to the IRS annual limit of $19,500 for 2021.
• Age 50 or older? Make an additional “catch-up” contribution of up to $6,500 to save even more.



wayForward, a premier web and app based behavioral health You have access to a full-service financial wellness program that
platform – connecting users with personalized care and offers solutions to all types of personal financial challenges.
resources like text-based coaching and free limited therapy
sessions. Receive expert consultation on a variety of work-life • Money Coach: You and members of your household can work
services from adoption to financial planning to pet care services with a Money Coach for 30 days at no additional cost to you.
and more: (code: HIMSS) • Identity theft protection: Receive a fraud resolution kit
EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and free 30-minute consultation with a Fraud Resolution
Specialist for victims of identity theft or to learn how to
If you find yourself in need of some professional support to deal better protect yourself from identity theft.
with personal, work, financial or family issues, your Employee • Legal documents: Create and execute state-specific wills,
Assistance Program (EAP) can help. The EAP is a 24/7 powers of attorney and a variety of other important legal
confidential service staffed with compassionate professionals. documents online, and use your legal consultation benefits to
obtain a qualified attorney’s review.
Call 800-538-3543 for assistance 24/7, or visit Learn more by calling 888-724-2262 or visiting

HIMSS realizes that quality education is an integral part of HEALTHY REWARDS
employee development and wants to provide financial support
to eligible employees to assist with their career development. Take advantage of easy access to discounts on a wide variety
The tuition reimbursement program reimburses regular, full- of health and wellness programs and services such as fitness
time employees with at least nine months of service, for eligible club memberships, weight management and nutrition programs,
tuition costs for approval educational courses that will benefit alternative medicine such as chiropractic and acupuncture,
them and HIMSS. physical and occupational therapy, vision and hearing, and
podiatry. Visit (password: savings) or
PET INSURANCE call 800-258-3312 to get information on participating providers.

The My Pet Protection suites of pet insurance plans is HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES
specifically designed for employees and provides superior
protection at an unbeatable price. For a quote for dogs and Get professional help with a wide range of healthcare and health
cats, visit For other pets, insurance challenges, such as finding a doctor, picking a medical
call 888-899-4874. or dental plan, understanding test results, locating a nursing
home, managing doctors’ bills and more. Services are available
to the entire family – including parents and parents-in-law. For
This benefit summary provides selected highlights of the HIMSS 24/7 assistance, call 866-799-2725.
employee benefits program. It is not a legal document and shall not
be construed as a guarantee of benefits nor of continued employment
at the company. All benefit plans are governed by master policies, TRAVEL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
contracts and plan documents. Any discrepancies between any
information provided through this summary and the actual terms of The Cigna Secure Travel program offers pre-trip planning,
such policies, contracts and plan documents shall be governed by the assistance while traveling, and emergency medical
terms of such policies, contracts and plan documents. HIMSS reserves transportation benefits when traveling 100 miles or more from
the right to amend, suspend or terminate any benefit plan, in whole home. This service is available 24/7/365 – in an emergency
or in part, at any time. The authority to make such changes rests with you can even call collect! From the U.S. and Canada, call
the Plan Administrator. All information is confidential, pursuant to the 888-226-4567; from all other locations, call collect 202-331-
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. 7635. Cigna Secure Travel can also be reached via email to When calling, indicate you are you are a
member of the Cigna Secure Travel program and group #57.
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