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Core Services

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Every call. Every email. Every day.

Client - SAMPLE Implementation Overview
Employee Benefits Strategy Timeline
Project Owner Target Date Completion Task Status (WEEKLY/BI-WEEKLY) STATUS CALLS
Lockton/Client Kickoff Process
Data sent to prepare broker of record letters Client 07/01/21
Broker of record letter prepared for signature Lockton 07/02/21
Broker of record letters signed and returned Client 07/07/21
Implementation Overview Lockton/Client 07/07/21
Broker of record letter and data request to carriers Lockton 07/07/21
Meeting 1 (meet respective teams & discuss open items,
high level benefit observations, begin strategic discussion Lockton/Client 07/09/21
for 2021)
Current census sent Client 07/13/21
2020 Compensation Disclosure Lockton 07/23/21
InfoLock Set Up Request Lockton/Client 07/15/21
IBNR/Reserve Analysis Lockton/Client Quarterly (one certified)
Compliance Calendar Lockton 07/15/21
Compliance Review - ERISA Documents Lockton/Client 08/20/21
2020 Policy/Contract Review Lockton TBD
Monthly Financial Reporting Lockton 30th of each month
Annual 5500 Filing Lockton Due 07/31/22
Strategic Direction
Financial Projection and Modeling Lockton 08/18/21
Detailed strategic discussion surrounding identified topics Lockton/Client 07/24/21 and 07/31/21
from Meeting 1
Present multi-year strategy Lockton 08/18/21
Network and Discount Analysis Lockton 08/07/21
Benchmarking Lockton 08/07/21
Wellness (Health Risk Solutions)
Strategy Discussion Lockton/Client 08/18/21
Program/Vendor Discussions Lockton/Client 08/18/21
InfoLock Presentation Lockton 10/15/21
Program/Vendor Decisions Client TBD
Implementation Lockton/Client TBD
Renewal and Budgeting
Request Renewals from Carriers Lockton 07/07/21
Current Carrier Renewals - Received Lockton 08/03/21
2021 Budget Presentation Lockton 08/18/21 Welfare plan compliance calendar | 2020
Final Negotiation with Insurance Carriers/Vendors Lockton 09/03/21 COMPLIANCE CALENDAR
Present final 2021 Scenarios Lockton 09/15/21
Final 2021 Decisions Client TBD Fixed deadlines
Confirmation sent to Selected Carriers/Vendors Lockton TBD
Fixed deadlines Action Comments
for CY plans
Applies to all employers.
O Onnggooiinngg oobblliiggaattiioonn P Poosstt aa UUSSEERRRRAA nnoottiiccee Model notices are available from the Labor Department ’s EBSA and VETS websites. There
are separate notices for federal agencies and other employers. Notice may be posted
OPEN ITEMS where labor relations notices are posted.
Applies to ERISA and non -ERISA grandfathered plans subject to health reform.
Presumably m ust be given to all plan participants not later than the first day of each plan
year with respect to which the plan maintains grandfathered status and should be
D Diissttrriibbuuttee nnoottiiccee ooff included in plan materials supplied to participants. Most sponsors will simply include this
J Jaann.. 11
g grraannddffaatthheerreedd ssttaattuuss in open enrollment materials.
SAMPLE Employee Benefits Action Items Log - Client/Lockton Your Lockton account service team has model notice language. Electronic notice should Welfare Plan
be acceptable, subject to compliance with comprehensive federal regulations for the
provision of electronic notices.
For employers subject to the San Francisco Healthcare Security Ordinance. Compliance
M Maakkee SSaann FFrraanncciissccoo
J Jaann.. 3300 H HCCSSOO ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss ffoorr Quarterly contributions, if any, are due 30 days after the close of each calendar quarter. Calendar
But see the end of February entry below for self -funded employers utilizing the annual
p prriioorr ccaalleennddaarr qquuaarrtteerr
Action Item Carrier / Vendor / Etc. Intake Date Resolved Comments/Action Solution / Resolved true-up method. Calenda r- y ear p lans with p lan y ears
Imputed income might be an issue where health coverage is provided to non-dependent
domestic partners and/or their children, or to an employee’s non-dependent adult,
beginning Jan . 1
biological, step, adopted or foster child beyond the year the child attains age 26, or to
other individuals (e.g., grandchildren) who are not the employee’s dependents for federal
R Reeppoorrtt iimmppuutteedd ttaaxxaabbllee tax purposes. 2021
J Jaann.. 3311
i innccoommee oonn FFoorrmmss WW--22 Health coverage supplied to a same -sex spouse is nontaxable (for federal tax purpos es)
to the employee. Compliance Services Division, Lockton Benefits
© © 2020 Lockton Companies
Imputed income may also arise under group -term life insurance, and some LTD
programs. Revised January 2020
State income taxation may vary from federal taxation, depending on the circumstance.
PYA PC — Lockton Employee Beneits Practice overview 7 Lockton Companies
N Noottee:: Generally, when a filing deadline or notice obligation falls on a Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday, the filing or notice may be filed or
distributed on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday.
Lockton Companies
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