Page 22 - Dawson 2021 New Hire Guide
P. 22
Short Term Disability
DAWSON is pleased to provide all employees company paid short term disability coverage to help provide
inancial security until you get back on your feet and return to work. The plan covers 60% of your weekly salary
up to $1,250 per week for up to 3 months. Short term disability coverage begins on the 8th day for an accident or
Long Term Disability
DAWSON is pleased to provide all employees Employees also have the option to “buy-up” to 66.67%
company paid long term disability insurance to of your pre-disability LTD earnings to a maximum of
provide inancial security should you be out of work $10,000 per month at the cost of $0.348 per $100 of
for an extended period. Disabilities lasting more than monthly earnings.
90 days are considered “long term.” In the event you
are unable to work due to any accident or illness, this If you do not elect buy-up coverage during your initial
program will pay you a monthly beneit of 50% of enrollment period you may elect buy-up coverage at a
your pre-disability monthly earnings to a maximum of future open enrollment without completing evidence of
$10,000 per month. Upon approval, beneits will begin insurability.
on the 91 day and will continue until you are no longer * You must be actively at work on your efective date for coverage to
disabled or up to 5 years. The plan has pre-existing be efective.
condition limitation exclusion. A pre-existing condition An example of the cost calculation for “buy-up” LTD
is any condition/symptom for which you consulted coverage is shown below:
with a physician, received treatment, or took prescribed
drugs in the 12 months prior to your effective date A 35 year old who earns $2,000 per month is used
under plan. If you become disabled within the irst 12 as the example:
months of coverage due to a pre-existing condition, $2,000 monthly earnings divided by 100 times
no beneits will be provided by the plan. Please review rate of $0.348 = $6.96
your enrollment materials in ADP/WFN for more
plan details. Bi-weekly cost is $3.48
Weekly cost is $1.61
Short Term Disability
DAWSON is pleased to provide all employees company paid short term disability coverage to help provide
inancial security until you get back on your feet and return to work. The plan covers 60% of your weekly salary
up to $1,250 per week for up to 3 months. Short term disability coverage begins on the 8th day for an accident or
Long Term Disability
DAWSON is pleased to provide all employees Employees also have the option to “buy-up” to 66.67%
company paid long term disability insurance to of your pre-disability LTD earnings to a maximum of
provide inancial security should you be out of work $10,000 per month at the cost of $0.348 per $100 of
for an extended period. Disabilities lasting more than monthly earnings.
90 days are considered “long term.” In the event you
are unable to work due to any accident or illness, this If you do not elect buy-up coverage during your initial
program will pay you a monthly beneit of 50% of enrollment period you may elect buy-up coverage at a
your pre-disability monthly earnings to a maximum of future open enrollment without completing evidence of
$10,000 per month. Upon approval, beneits will begin insurability.
on the 91 day and will continue until you are no longer * You must be actively at work on your efective date for coverage to
disabled or up to 5 years. The plan has pre-existing be efective.
condition limitation exclusion. A pre-existing condition An example of the cost calculation for “buy-up” LTD
is any condition/symptom for which you consulted coverage is shown below:
with a physician, received treatment, or took prescribed
drugs in the 12 months prior to your effective date A 35 year old who earns $2,000 per month is used
under plan. If you become disabled within the irst 12 as the example:
months of coverage due to a pre-existing condition, $2,000 monthly earnings divided by 100 times
no beneits will be provided by the plan. Please review rate of $0.348 = $6.96
your enrollment materials in ADP/WFN for more
plan details. Bi-weekly cost is $3.48
Weekly cost is $1.61