Page 7 - Polyventive 2022 Benefits Guide
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2022 Benefits Guide
Helping Our Employees Stay Attain by Aetna

Healthy Check out how the Attain by Aetna® app works and

Aetna Healthy ConnectionsSM health and wellness how you can earn rewards. Some members may be
programs and resources are personalized to help eligible to earn an Apple Watch®. Others can score
meet the needs of each person, whether he or gift cards to a variety of national retailers.
she is healthy or dealing with a new or ongoing
health issue. REWARDS

Earn points for putting in the efort. Earn more for
Aetna has a suite of more than 70 wellness hitting your goals. Then, use your points to earn a
programs, from tobacco cessation to healthy lifestyle new Apple Watch or gift cards from popular retailers.
coaching. The online program includes a health
assessment. The personalized results will help you ACTIVITY
understand where you are at risk and what you
can do. Get your body moving, get your heart pumping, and
earn points for hitting daily and weekly goals.

Online health topics include:
■ Relieving stress No fad diets here. Just tips, tools, and points for

■ Eating healthy and getting physical activity making healthier and more mindful choices.

■ Sleeping better
■ Quitting tobacco SLEEP

■ Living with asthma, and more Build a better sleep routine by adopting healthy
habits, like powering of screens and setting a
regular bedtime.


Take a moment. Take a breath. Mindfulness is an
efective way to become more focused on the
present and help reduce stress.

The app also provides resources to ind the right
place of service, access to quality care, and locating
preferred labs.

Find out more information at:

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