Page 9 - Polyventive 2022 Benefits Guide
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2022 Benefits Guide
Health Savings Account (HSA)

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is like a 401(k) for healthcare expenses. If you are covered by a qualiied
HSA-qualiied high-deductible health plan, you can set aside pre-tax money in an HSA to pay for current
and future healthcare expenses. An HSA is the smart, simple way to reduce your tax burden while building a
healthcare nest egg.

Why You Need It How Much You Can Contribute

■ Pay for today’s eligible out-of-pocket The maximum amount you can contribute to your

healthcare expenses using tax‑free money HSA in 2022 (combined with the employer annual
and put away something extra for tomorrow’s seed) is $3,650 if you have individual coverage and
healthcare needs. $7,300 if you have family coverage. If you are 55 or
■ Pay fewer taxes this year and in retirement— older as of December 31, 2022, you may contribute
earnings on your HSA funds are tax free, too. an additional $1,000.
■ Earn money while saving money with no “use it

or lose it” risk. To receive the Polyventive annual employer
contribution you must enroll in a Health Savings
■ The money deposited is yours to keep and use, Account (HSA), but you are not required to make
even if you leave Polyventive. any additional employee pre-tax contributions. You

How You Use It may elect $0 for 2022 and change this contribution
amount any time during the calendar year. To enroll
With a variety of payment and reimbursement in the HSA for 2022, please see Human Resources.
options, your HSA is easy to use. The convenient
HSA Card associated with your account can be For more information on an HSA, please visit
used to pay for hundreds of eligible healthcare
products and services for you, your spouse, and
your dependents.

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