Page 91 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
P. 91

Clinical Pharmacy PharmD - 2024/2025                  Level 2                Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 (PC 305)

                    Magnetic anisotropic effect in               Magnetic anisotropic effect in Alkynes
                   Benzene rings & Alkenes (C=C)                                   (C≡C)

            4.  Hydrogen bonding (H-bonds) & Exchangeable Protons (OH, COOH, NH2, SH):

               ❖  This effect is related to polar H atoms (attached to O / N atoms) that are involved in
                   hydrogen bonding.
               ❖  These polar H atoms could be exchanged easily with any impurities present in sample
                   and it will not appear in NMR spectra, so they are called exchangeable protons.
               ❖  The hydrogen bonds are dynamic, constantly forming, breaking and forming again,
                   there  will  be  a  different  electronic  density  around  these  polar  H  atoms  and

                   consequently appear at a wide range of chemical shift.
               ❖  As concentration of sample  → H bonding between polar H atoms in sample  →
                   the chemical shift  (deshielded at higher ppm) (if appeared in spectra).
               ❖  So,  sample  must  be  pure  and  very  well  dried  (moisture-free)  in  order  to  let

                   exchangeable protons appear in NMR spectra.

                                        Diluted Sample           Concentrated Sample
                              OH              0.5-1                       4-5
                              NH               4-5                    Up to  12
                              SH               3-4                         6
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