Page 95 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
P. 95

Clinical Pharmacy PharmD - 2024/2025                  Level 2                Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 (PC 305)

            ❖  Coupling  with another nuclei than  H (with  F mainly):

                  •  F act as  H and splits the neighboring
                    1 H into doublet.

            ❖  Splitting into doublet of doublet (dd) instead of triplet (t):

                  • This occurs when a  H couples

                    with two magnetically non-
                    equivalent  H atoms.
                  • Ex:
                    1,2,4 substituted benzene rings
                    & other similar special cases

            ❖  Coupling  with exchangeable Hs (OH, COOH, NH2, SH):
            • These  3 Hs in CH3 of methanol should
              couple  with  H  on  OH  to  produce  a

              quartet of OH and a doublet of CH3
              but due to:
               1.   Spinning of H on OH.

               2.  Its ability to exchange with
                   impurities they appear as two
            • ↓  Temperature  &  using  highly  pure
              & very well dried sample will help to

              see this splitting.

                                          Coupling Constant (J

            ❖  Coupling  Constant  (J):  It  is  the

               distance  in  Hz  between  the  lines  in

               doublets & other splitted peaks.
            ❖  It is a physical constant depending on

               the chemical nature of  H and not on
               the frequency of the NMR instrument.
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