Page 187 - Global Edge PR Report - January & February 2025
P. 187

#INTERVIEW: In Conversation with Dr. Ross Walker & Dr. Julie Z. Chen About Revolutionizing Gut Health
                                   1. Eat  More  Fruits  and  Vegetables:  One  of  the
                                   simplest  yet  most  effective  ways  to  support  gut
                                   health  is  to  increase  your  intake  of  fruits  and
                                   vegetables. Aim for 2-3 servings of fruit and 3-5
                                   servings  of  vegetables  per  day.  Unfortunately,
                                   fewer than 5% of people meet this goal. However,
                                   those  who  do  enjoy  a  significantly  lower  risk  of
                                   chronic  diseases,  including  cancer  and  heart
                                   disease.  These  nutrient-rich  foods  provide  fibre
                                   and antioxidants that are crucial for a healthy gut
                                   2. Follow the Mediterranean Diet: When it comes
                                   to dietary patterns with strong scientific backing,
                                   the  Mediterranean  diet  stands  out.  This  simple
                                   and  nutritious  way  of  eating  includes  plenty  of
                                   fruits,  vegetables,  moderate  portions  of  lean
                                   meats  (like  chicken  and  fish),  healthy  fats  from
                                   olive  oil,  and  nuts.  It  also  emphasizes  whole
                                   grains  over  refined  carbs—like  choosing  durum
                                   wheat  pasta  over  refined  varieties.  The
                                   Mediterranean  diet  has  been  shown  to  reduce
                                   the  risk  of  numerous  chronic  diseases  and
                                   supports optimal gut health.
                                   And  yes,  you  can  enjoy  your  coffee,  but  in
                                   moderation. It's rich in antioxidants and has been
                                   shown  to  reduce  the  risk  of  conditions  like
                                   gallstones,     kidney     stones,     Parkinson's,
                                   Alzheimer’s, and type 2 diabetes. Coffee can also
                                   boost  metabolism.  Just  remember,  the  key  is  to
                                   enjoy it without added sugar.
                                   3. ‘White Death’ Products To Be Avoided: Please
                                   eliminate  or  cut  back  on  sugar,  white  bread,
                                   pasta, potatoes, and polished rice.
                                   4. Practice the “Cheesecake Rule”: You see, life is
                                   about  balance,  and  that  includes  enjoying  the
                                   occasional  indulgence.  I  don’t  have  desserts
                                   regularly, but when I do, it has got to be a slice of
                                   cheesecake, eaten without guilt.
                                   5. And lastly, be happy, hug your partner, cuddle
                                   your  kids,  smile,  laugh,  sing.  None  of  this  will
                                   make any sense if you aren’t happy. Once you are
                                   happy from within and can wake up with a smile
                                   in your heart, everything else will fall into place.

                                     SEE ALSO: Secret Skin's Valentine's Day
                                                      Gift Guide

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