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5/31/24, 1:37 PM Sobha Realty elevates consumer experiences with first-of-its-kind holographic displays – Executive Bulletin
By leveraging mixed reality, Sobha Realty now sets a new benchmark for the real estate sector, offering potential
buyers a distinctive experience while interacting with their prospective homes.
Ravi Menon, Co-chairman of Sobha Group, said: “We aimed at ensuring an engaging and dynamic visualisation
of our projects by combining physical and digital worlds, offering a realistic preview that traditional methods
cannot replicate. This initiative will further improve user experience at our sales galleries and represents an
extension of the company’s ongoing efforts to drive innovation and boost customer satisfaction.”
The technology creates an illusion of volumetric objects on a flat surface that appear three-dimensional from any
angle. The stable illusion of a virtual hologram is created by constantly modifying the projection based on the
user’s point of view.
Additionally, users can wear stereo glasses to track their precise position in space using a proprietary tracking
system built into the device. Every project has customised content tailored to its unique needs and specifications,
turning the project into a full-scale, animated simulator.
Sobha Realty’s introduction of this groundbreaking technology not only demonstrates its commitment to leading
the way in adoption of technological advancements, but also improves the decision-making process for
prospective buyers. By providing a clear, immersive preview of potential homes, Sobha Realty is revolutionising
consumers’ interaction with properties and raising the industry benchmark. 2/2