Page 42 - Savoye PR Report - October 2024
P. 42
Synergizing software and automation for game-changing logistics solutions - LogisticsGulf
For example, instead of pre-teaching a robot on how to pick up an item, future robots
will use image processing algorithms to iden fy objects – whether it is a bag, bo le, or
item with a complex shape – and decide in real- me how to pick them.
This innova on is already happening. At Savoye, we are leading the way in warehouse
automa on with our AI-driven robo c arms. Equipped with camera vision, this
equipment can detect and decide how to pick items. Addi onally, machine learning
algorithms enable these robots to learn and improve over me, becoming more
efficient like a human would through experience.
On the so ware side, our WMS solu on ODATiO incorporates AI for labour
management and inventory control. It uses both historical data and predic ve
analy cs to op mise inventory management, forecas ng future condi ons and
opera ons while learning from past performance.
While AI and robo cs have existed for decades, the current major shi is that they are
becoming more widely available and integrated into everyday warehouse opera ons,
providing a smarter, more efficient, and adaptable approach to warehouse
management and distribu on centres.
LG: Are there any future plans to integrate AI in some other solu ons as well?
AK: Yes, our future plans include integra ng AI into other solu ons as well. One of our
most exci ng recent developments is the introduc on of the Barcode-Free
Warehouse, a cu ng-edge research and development project.
While a full rollout of this may take a decade, we are already making great strides. The
idea is to eliminate the need for barcodes on items – a dream of any logis cs manager.
For this project, the concept is to use camera vision to detect items without needing a
barcode scan. When an item passes in front of the camera, a Barcode-Free Warehouse
can iden fy it as, for example, a bo le or Item A or B, without scanning a barcode.
Once the item is placed into a tote or pallet, LiDAR technology (similar to radar) scans
and confirms that the item has been placed in the correct loca on. The system works
like the human brain, which automa cally recognises shapes and colours. Just how a
person can tell the difference between a bag of chips and a bo le, the cameras will do
the same for items in the warehouse.
This technology involves 360° cameras that not only detect items but also confirm
where they should be placed. The project is s ll in its pilot and R&D phase, but we are 3/5