Page 43 - Savoye PR Report - October 2024
P. 43
Synergizing software and automation for game-changing logistics solutions - LogisticsGulf
commi ed to driving innova on and thinking ahead by 10 years to push the
boundaries of what is possible in warehouse management.
LG: With the rapid growth of e-commerce, how can
technology address challenges that relate to last mile
AK: For eCommerce, the real value of a warehouse
management system (WMS) comes from its ability to
go beyond just managing opera ons within the
warehouse. It is essen al to consider last-mile delivery
needs during warehouse planning and opera ons to
op mise supply chain opera ons. As the final leg of
the journey, last-mile delivery directly impacts Alain Kaddoum,
customer sa sfac on. Let me give you two key Managing Director,
features that help tackle last-mile challenges:
Savoye Middle East
Pre-cubing system: This feature allows us to choose
the correct item and carton sizes for the end customer. By op mising the space inside
delivery trucks, we can cut down on the number of trips required, making last-mile
delivery more efficient.
Seamless integra on between WMS and last-mile delivery systems: Real- me
coordina on is key. Instead of preparing orders and leaving them staged for hours un l
the last-mile team arrives, this integra on ensures that orders are fulfilled, packed,
and ready exactly when the last-mile delivery starts.
The last thing a logis cs manager wants is a backlog of orders si ng around wai ng
for pickup. With the right so ware, WMS and last-mile systems work together to
streamline the process, reducing delays and improving overall delivery efficiency.
LG: How can logis cs companies create more resilient and agile systems to adapt to
changing condi ons? What is your advice for companies?
AK: The most important advice I would give to logis cs companies seeking to build
resilient and agile systems is to focus on integra on rather than just mechanical
solu ons. Fi een years ago, the focus was on mechanising opera ons, but today it is
all about how well different technologies are connected. In the present age, success
hinges on crea ng an interconnected ecosystem that seamlessly integrates technology
across various supply chain opera ons, enhancing efficiency. 4/5