Page 65 - DGHR PR REPORT - JULY 2024
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7/29/24, 9:32 AM Dubai outlines future human resources strategy - ARN News Centre- Trending News, Sports News, Business News, Dubai News, U…
and private sectors also contributed to the report, shedding light on new opportunities and challenges, and offering
valuable recommendations.
Abdullah Ali Bin Zayed Al Falasi, Director General of DGHR's Department, said the "report is a practical and strategic
tool reflecting the commitment of the Human Resources Service of the Government of Dubai to offer innovative
insights and solutions that promote the growth of the human resources sector.
"The report aligns with our mission of developing smart solutions, formulating flexible and innovative policies, and
supporting talented minds that improve Dubai's competitiveness...which includes establishing the UAE as one of the
top 10 countries in the world for global talent competitiveness and maintaining talent in key industries, making it an
ideal destination to live and work.”
The report delves into the primary factors influencing human resource management in Dubai, such as innovations in
technology, Federal Government policies and regulations, economic growth, globalisation, and inflation. In addition, it
emphasises how these forces affect HR strategies and practices and recommends ways to adapt to these
developments to maintain high standards of excellence.
It highlights several possibilities for human resource management, including the transformative impact of digital
transformation on HR operations and improvements to the employee experience and underscores the importance of
funding the development of local talent and promoting Emiratisation by providing UAE citizens with educational
options and career progression avenues.
The challenges that HR management faces, such as the need to adapt to new regulations and changing market
demands, as well as the importance of maintaining a work-life balance to ensure employee satisfaction and
increased productivity, are all key points featured in the report. 2/2