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1/16/25, 4:31 PM Airport Show to highlight regional airport upgrades and expansions | Times Aerospace
techno logies given the ir un wavering commitment to airport and airline developments and
being at the ne w global travel crossroads.
Over the past åæ years, the Airport Show has proved itself to be the best platform to source
everythi ng cruc ial tha t the region’s airports, now numbering ääã, require. The åçth edition of
the Airport Show will cont inue climbing the ladder of spectacular success,” remarked May
Ismail, Event Mana ger at RX, a global company that organises about çãã events across çå
ind us try sectors in åå count ries inc luding the Airport Show. “For the Middle East airports, the
focus is no t on sur viving but thr iving and bringing about tectonic changes to the landscape.”
It is no t jus t the airports tha t are expanding and improvising. As of åãåæ, the äã largest
airline s in the Middle East have collectively ordered êìè new aircraft to be delivered by the end
of the decade as the global passenger trafc is expected to reach nearly åã billion in åãçå,
doub le the åãåç projection.
In åãèå, global passeng er traf is expected to reach close to åè billion, approximately å.è
times the åãåç projection, according to the ACI World Airport Trafc Forecasts (WATF) åãåæ-
åãèå tha t provides ins ight s int o the long-term airport trafc demand in over äçä countries
across the globe. By åãç , airports in the Middle East will handle ä.ä billion passengers, with
the Middle East and Asia-Paci accounting for èë percent of global air passenger demand.
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IATA says the Middle East airline s earned a record US$åæ.ä in prot per passenger in åãåç,
triple the average ne t pro per passenger for global airlines of US$é.ç in åãåç and US$ê.ì in
Middle East
The Middle East airline s will end åãåç with an estimated US$è.æ billion in net prot, up from a
previous forecast of US$æ.ë billion, and an increase from US$æ.ä billion in net prot in åãåæ.
Regiona l airline s, particul arly in the Arabian Gulf, have a strong year of protability amid
cont inue d strong demand for air travel in åãåç, a push to increase international tourist
arrivals, investment in airport up grades, and government policies designed to boost the
aviation sector ’s cont ribut ion to the GDP. Airlines in the Middle East are forecast to earn
US$è.ì billion in ne t pro in åãåè, with prot per passenger soaring to US$åæ.ì, more than
triple the global average of US$ê forecast in åãåè.
Cirium , the popul ar sour ce of aviation analytics, remarked in the latest report: “The region’s
aviation ind us try, long a symbol of ambition and growth, is undergoing a remarkable
trans formation tha t promises to reshape the future of air travel. With a commitment to
passeng er experienc e, the Middle East is poised to set new standards for the global aviation
communi ty.” It added: “Inno vation is not limited to the development of new technologies. The
Middle East’s aviation ind us try is also pioneering new approaches to training and passenger
experienc e. In the coming years, expect to see even more groundbreaking advancements
emerging from the region.” 4/9