Page 109 - MBRF PR REPORT - August 2024
P. 109

8/8/24, 1:48 PM                  - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions
       try. Our goal with this prom in ent know ledge event is to provide young Kuwaiti tal ents with
       innov at ive per spect ives and exper i ences that will act ively con trib ute to soci ety’s pro gress and
       address its chal lenges.”
       Ms. Eman Al-shar rah, from the National Know ledge Eco nomy Cen ter of the GSSCPD, said:

       “We wel come the Know ledge Week in Kuwait and encour age the youth to apply to par ti cip ate
       in it as we envi sion the event as a trans itional point towards Kuwait’s third National Devel op -
       ment Plan and Vis ion 2035. By nur tur ing Kuwaiti youth’s tal ents and ideas, we aim to shape a

       future where know ledge drives prosper ity for the State of Kuwait.”
       Emma Mor ley, UNDP Res id ent Rep res ent at ive in Kuwait, stated: “The UNDP is com mited to
       empower ing the youth of Kuwait by equip ping them with the skills and know ledge needed to
       lead their soci et ies. The Know ledge Week is a cru cial step in this pro cess, as it provides a plat -
       form for col lab or a tion, learn ing, and lead er ship in sus tain able devel op ment.”

       In Octo ber 2024, the UNDP will host Know ledge Week in col lab or a tion with the MBRF and the
       GSSCPD. Through the event, it aims to lever age insights from the Global Know ledge Index to
       address devel op mental chal lenges and sup port Kuwait’s trans ition towards a know ledge-

       based eco nomy, align ing with Kuwait Vis ion 2035. Moreover, it aims to enhance the future
       skills of Kuwaiti youth. Pre vi ously held in Egypt and Jordan, the Know ledge Week plays a
       pivotal role in encour aging devel op ment con tri bu tions from youth in both coun tries while
       also estab lish ing a vast net work of lead ers and change makers.
       Recently, The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Mak toum Know ledge Found a tion (MBRF) provided

       cop ies of the ‘Algh ani Azza hir’ Dic tion ary to the Emir ates Schools Estab lish ment (ESE) for
       dis tri bu tion at schools, in accord ance with the UAE’S Read ing Month. Under the guid ance of
       Jamal Bin Huwaireb, CEO of the MBRF, Dr. Abdelgh ani Ahmed Abou el Aazm authored the dic -

       tion ary, which adds sub stan tial value to the Arabic know ledge repos it ory by broad en ing its
       vocab u lary and expand ing its lin guistic sig ni  c ance.
       This ini ti at ive is a res ult of the MBRF’S com mit ment to bol ster ing the strong know ledge
       found a tion of the Arabic lan guage, broad en ing read ers’ per spect ives, and improv ing their
       vocab u lary and under stand ing of its nuances. It also seeks to sup port ini ti at ives aimed at

       build ing a com munity that is pro   cient in the Arabic lan guage and its gram mar. As a res ult,
       this dic tion ary includes terms that are fre quently used and widely accep ted, includ ing com -
       mon, loan words, and coined terms, to reach Arabic lan guage read ers in di  er ent coun tries.

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