Page 86 - MBRF PR REPORT - August 2024
P. 86
8/12/24, 2:24 PM Know edge Sum mit spreads light in jour ney of edu ca ion
into prac tical and applic able solu tions. These object ives allow the sum mit to tackle global
chal lenges, pro mote sus tain able devel op ment, and enhance the over all well-being of nations.
These object ives are based on the belief that know ledge is the corner stone of build ing resi li -
ent soci et ies and adapt able eco nom ies. It forms the found a tion of MBRF’S vis ion, aim ing to
con trib ute to tan gible and sus tain able devel op mental pro gress in mod ern soci et ies. This vis -
ion includes fos ter ing know ledge gen er a tion and dis sem in a tion while expand ing innov at ive
digital and sus tain able green solu tions.
A JOURNEY FILLED WITH ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Since its launch in 2014, the Know ledge
Sum mit has wit nessed remark able growth. The inaug ural edi tion fea tured 16 ses sions and
atrac ted 500 par ti cipants. Over time, the sum mit’s in u ence has grown sig ni c antly. By its
eighth edi tion in 2023, the sum mit had hos ted 57 ses sions with over 100 speak ers, with the
num ber of par ti cipants exceed ing 20,000. This growth re ects the increas ing interest in the
sum mit and high lights its vital role in facil it at ing global know ledge dis sem in a tion and the
exchange of ideas.
KNOWLEDGE SUMMIT 2023: The Know ledge Sum mit 2023 focused on know ledge cit ies and
the th indus trial revolu tion, bring ing together a dis tin guished group of intel lec tu als, poli cy -
makers, research ers, busi ness lead ers, and innov at ors from across the globe. The aim was to
dis cuss the role of know ledge cit ies in embra cing the th indus trial revolu tion. The sum mit
explored how these cit ies can accel er ate tech no lo gical innov a tion, drive sus tain able eco nomic
growth, and enhance the over all qual ity of life. It served as a unique pla form for par ti cipants
to exchange ideas, form alli ances, and col lab or ate in shap ing a more innov at ive, inclus ive,
and secure future for the next gen er a tions. This was facil it ated through rich dis cus sions,
inform at ive work shops, and vari ous know ledge-based events.
ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE KNOWLEDGE SUMMIT: Theknow ledge sum mithas suc cess fullyes -
tab lished itself as a lead ing global pla form for the exchange of know ledge, exper i ences, and
suc cess stor ies. It under scores its vital role as a unique forum for innov at ive insights, fresh
ideas, and show cas ing best prac tices to address global chal lenges e ect ively. The sum mit has
made sig ni c ant pro gress in pro mot ing know ledge invest ment by nur tur ing human
resources, sup port ing innov a tion, and empower ing the youth in know ledge trans fer, dis sem -
in a tion, cre ation, and loc al isa tion. One not able achieve ment of the Know ledge Sum mit is the
cre ation of the Global Know ledge Index (GKI). The GKI assesses the state of know ledge across
coun tries, iden ti es strengths and weak nesses, and high lights the intric ate rela tion ship
between know ledge and devel op ment, high light ing ways to keep pace with change. 2/2