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11/24/23, 4:31 PM           Emirates Community Sports Forum boosts local sports engagement for healthier, more creative generation
        His Excellency Dr Al Falasi, emphasized the forum's significance as a leading platform addressing
        strategies to advance and enrich community sports both locally and within the Gulf region. “It serves as a
        platform to foster dialogue with Gulf Cooperation Council counterparts, and facilitate the exchange of
        best practices for community sports development. This, in turn, and contributes to the flourishing sports

        landscape in the region,” His Excellency added.


        Highlighting the pivotal role of such initiatives, His Excellency underscored their contribution to elevating
        the UAE's sports sector to unprecedented levels of excellence. “The forum aids in the transition of the

        sports sector from an entertainment domain to a vital developmental and economic sector. This
        transition supports the country’s sustainable economic and social development process,” His Excellency
        Dr Al Falasi said.

        His Excellency underscored the significance of instilling a sports culture across society to establish the

        pillars of a healthy, distinguished, and prosperous community. His Excellency Dr Al Falasi emphasized
        the importance of enhancing the community sports system for a united, tolerant, and prosperous future
        society, extending beyond public health improvement.

        In his address at the forum, His Excellency asserted the UAE’s substantial contribution to community
        sports, and highlighted its role in identifying and developing sports talent, fostering exceptional athletes,

        and achieving professional and leadership milestones. “Over the past decades, sports have emerged as
        a pivotal element in the forward-looking vision of wise leadership in the UAE. The government has
        devoted considerable efforts to advancing sports within its developmental frameworks. This initiative

        encompasses not only elite sports but also community-based sports, with a primary emphasis on
        cultivating a robust and athletic society to foster sustainable growth and mold the future,” His Excellency
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