Page 18 - GAS PR REPORT - October 2023
P. 18

10/25/23, 2:30 PM                       UAE's Sports Revolution: Transforming Federations for a Brighter Future
             As the project unfolds, it will gradually extend to all sports federations in the
             country, instilling a professional culture and developing athletes’ skills. GAS will
             provide daily support to the federations through a dedicated team and maintain
             constant communication with them. The authority also plans to organize specialist
             workshops to offer guidance on the project’s implementation.

             This transformation is not an end in itself but a means to an even more significant
             end. It’s a step towards increasing the contribution of the sports sector to the national
             economy, a cornerstone of the National Sports Strategy 2031. By empowering sports
             federations and enhancing their capabilities, the UAE is aiming to achieve
             outstanding sporting accomplishments and elevate its reputation in regional and
             international sports arenas.

             Beyond Sports: AI and Startups

             While the UAE is revolutionizing its sports sector, it’s also keeping an eye on other
             transformational aspects. The country has launched a program in partnership with
             Oxford University to educate public officials on governing AI and auditing AI
             systems, aiming to foster public trust and confidence in AI while promoting
             innovation and competitiveness in the local industry.

             Furthermore, the UAE is also focusing on the Asian tech scene. At the Expand North
             Star event, industry leaders discussed the measures needed to propel future growth
             in the region’s startup landscape. The challenges facing Asian countries present

             tremendous opportunities for transformation in areas such as education,
             infrastructure, and healthcare.

             These developments reflect the UAE’s commitment to innovation, growth, and
             international collaboration. By transforming sports federations, regulating AI, and
             fostering the growth of startups, the UAE aims to position itself as a leader in sports,
             technology, and entrepreneurship. As the world keeps spinning, so does the UAE,
             evolving and transforming, striving for a future that’s brighter and better than ever

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