Page 57 - MBRF PR REPORT - December 2023
P. 57

12/20/23, 1:03 PM                            MBRF com mem or ates World Arabic Lan guage Day in Paris
       MBRF com mem or ates World Arabic Lan guage Day in Paris

       The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Mak toum Know ledge Found a tion (MBRF)
       joined UNESCO at its headquar ters in Paris to cel eb rate World Arabic Lan -
       guage Day 2023

       Gulf Today · 20 Dec 2023 · Staff Reporter

       The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Mak toum Know ledge Found a tion (MBRF) joined UNESCO at its

       headquar ters in Paris to cel eb rate World Arabic Lan guage Day 2023. The event, themed
       ‘Arabic: The Lan guage of Poetry and the Arts,’ coin cides with the 50th anniversary of the
       declar a tion of the Arabic lan guage as the sixth o  cial lan guage in the United Nations.

       The cel eb ra tion aimed to under score the sig ni  c ance of Arabic as one of the most wide spread

       and util ised lan guages glob ally, spoken by over 400 mil lion people world wide. The activ it ies
       of the World Arabic Lan guage Day cel eb ra tions entailed three-panel ses sions: ‘Philo sophy
       and Poetry: The Con tri bu tion of Arabic Poetry in Shap ing Know ledge and Social Trans form a -
       tions;’ ‘Arabic Lan guage and the Arts: Expand ing the Hori zons of Cul tural Diversity;’ and
       ‘Arab Lati nos: The Arab In u ence in Latin Amer ica and the Carib bean.’ An addi tional panel

       ses sion titled ‘The Arabic Lan guage in the For eign Land: The Vital ity of the Arabic Lan guage
       and Social Cohe sion in Europe’ was also organ ised.
       Fur ther more, the cul tural events also included an exhib i tion titled ‘Build ing Bridges of

       Under stand ing and Respect: The Prince Sul tan Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Pro gramme for Arabic
       Lan guage’ that show cased the achieve ments of the Prince Sul tan Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Pro -
       gramme for Arabic Lan guage at UNESCO.
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