Page 58 - MBRF PR REPORT - December 2023
P. 58
12/20/23, 1:03 PM MBRF com mem or ates World Arabic Lan guage Day in Paris
Jamal Bin Huwaireb, CEO of the MBRF, par ti cip ated in the panel dis cus sion titled ‘The Arabic
Lan guage and the Arts: Expand ing the Hori zons of Cul tural Diversity,’ where he high lighted
the UAE’S com mit ment to pre serving the cul tural her it age of the region. He also emphas ised
the UAE’S relent less e orts to launch numer ous innov at ive ini ti at ives and pro grammes that
improve intel lec tual momentum and cul tural move ment. Bin Huwaireb poin ted out that the
UAE places a high pri or ity on the Arabic lan guage, stress ing that the UAE aims to raise the
lan guage’s pro le, encour age its use in the digital era, and draw aten tion to its many unique
char ac ter ist ics that enable it to keep up with the swit advance ments across vari ous elds.
Fur ther more, he also stated that the MBRF remains com mited to solid i fy ing the Arabic lan -
guage’s pres ence through sev eral projects, ini ti at ives, and pro grammes that sup port the lan -
guage’s intel lec tual out put and pre ser va tion. These ini ti at ives include the ‘Digital Know ledge
Hub’, the ‘Bil Arabi’ ini ti at ive, and the ‘Dubai Inter na tional Pro gram for Writ ing,’ all of which
con trib ute to increas ing the Arabic lan guage’s pop ular ity and wider reach among vari ous
soci etal seg ments, espe cially the youth.
Bin Huwaireb under scored the import ance of the ‘Arabic Lan guage and the Arts: Expand ing
the Hori zons of Cul tural Diversity’ ses sion and other Unesco-organ ized events, par tic u larly
since they are held in con junc tion with the 50th anniversary of the Arabic lan guage’s declar a -
tion as an o cial UN lan guage. This recog ni tion high lights the sig ni c ance of the Arabic lan -
guage as one of the most widely spoken and pre val ent lan guages glob ally. In addi tion, he also
emphas ized that the cel eb ra tion of World Arabic Lan guage Day serves as a test a ment to the
value of this his toric lan guage, its enorm ous con tri bu tions to human civil iz a tion, and its pos -
i tion as one of the old est liv ing lan guages.
Dur ing the event, the MBRF launched the 11th edi tion of the ‘Bil Arabi’ ini ti at ive under the
theme ‘Arabic: Lan guage of Sci ence and Trans la tion.’ The goal of the ‘Bil Arabi’ ini ti at ive is to
change the ste reo typ ical image of the Arabic lan guage and high light its value as a dynamic,
global lan guage while also encour aging the use of Arabic on the inter net and social media and
enhan cing its cog nit ive role inter na tion ally among Arab youth. Tar get ing both Arabic and
non-arabic speak ers over a week, the ini ti at ive o ers a rich agenda of events and dis cus sion
pan els to cel eb rate Arabic, change the ste reo typ ical per cep tion of the lan guage, and demon -
strate its status as a global lan guage cap able of adapt ing to changes across vari ous elds.
As part of its e orts to sup port the Arabic lan guage and enhance the habit of read ing in soci -
ety, them brfals od istrib uted morethan50,000books from its pub lic a tions to the par ents’ coun -
cils in the UAE’S schools. This came as part of the ‘My Fam ily Reads’ ini ti at ive organ ised in
col lab or a tion with the Emir ates Found a tion for School Edu ca tion. 2/2