Page 19 - GETEX PR Report - April 2024
P. 19

KHDA Director General Aisha Abdulla Miran inaugurates GETEX Spring 2024 - The Integrator
       KHDA Director General Aisha Abdulla Miran inaugurates GETEX Spring 2024

             Published 2 weeks ago on April 25, 2024
             By Integrator Web-Editor

       Her  Excellency  Aisha  Abdulla  Miran,  Director  General  of  the  Knowledge  and  Human  Development  Authority
       (KHDA)  inaugurated  the  Global  Educa on  and  Training  Exhibi on  (GETEX)  today,  kickstar ng  the  long-awaited
       three-day  student  recruitment  exhibi on.  The  opening  ceremony  was  also  a ended  by  Chancellors,  Vice
       Chancellors and Provosts of all the major universi es in the region, marking the launch of the 2024 edi on of the
       region’s foremost educa on and training event.

       Held  under  the  patronage  of  His  Excellency  Sheikh  Nahyan  Bin  Mubarak  Al  Nahyan,  Minister  of  Tolerance  and
       Coexistence, the exhibi on which runs from April 24 to 26, at the Dubai World Trade Centre, covers study streams
       related  to  emerging  and  tradi onal  careers  with  a  focus  of  trending  compu ng,  technological  advancements,
       progress in medicine and sciences, leadership and other future career paths for students.

       Over 200 universi es from 30 different countries are par cipa ng this year, offering students nearly 2,500 course
       op ons. The event is expected to see over 20,000 visitors in the following days. With its innova ve programs and
       exci ng networking possibili es, GETEX promotes interna onal collabora on and educa onal advancement for all
       par cipants.

       Her Excellency Aisha Abdulla Miran, said: “KHDA is commi ed to suppor ng ini a ves that empower students to
       make informed decisions about their higher educa on journeys, and GETEX serves as a vital resource for both
       students and the higher educa on sector.”

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