Page 15 - TRIMBLE PR REPORT - September 2024
P. 15

Why AI integration is critical for mega-projects: Lessons from the GCC

        Today, a significant per cent of businesses embrace cu ng edge, AI-driven technologies to
        streamline construc on processes, cut down expenses and enhance project outcomes.

        Colossal projects such as NEOM have set exemplary precedents for the applica on of AI and

        Machine Learning (ML) in construc on.

        Within the broader GCC landscape, there is heavy flow of investments into technological

        advancement supported by the region’s tech-savvy popula on and various government strategic
        ini a ves.

        For instance, the ‘UAE Strategy for Ar ficial Intelligence   ’, is a harbinger of the impending global

        shi  towards AI and ML.

        The strategy aims to facilitate the applica on of AI across diverse sectors like transport,

        healthcare, renewable energy, and educa on, harnessing the technology’s transforma ve

        poten al to enhance service delivery, boost produc vity and foster sustainable economic

        growth rooted in innova on.

        Yet, the remaining sizable per cent remain hesitant to make investments.

        The integra on of AI into construc on prac ces, is not as a fad but a cri cal strategic impera ve

        that can posi vely transform project lifecycles, from design, bidding and financing to
        procurement, construc on opera ons and asset management.

        There are six key reasons why businesses in the construc on landscape must embrace AI as
        an integral facet of their opera ons, before it’s too late to catch up with project deadlines.

        Enhance project execu on and avoid budget constraints

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