Page 16 - TRIMBLE PR REPORT - September 2024
P. 16

Why AI integration is critical for mega-projects: Lessons from the GCC
        AI is an essen al tool for businesses that struggle to keep up with projects’ budget constraints,
        especially in the case of mega-projects that tend to exceed their budgets. Ar ficial Neural

        Networks can help predict such budget overruns by analysing project size, contract type and the

        competence level of project managers.

        AI predic ve models can also analyse historical data on the start and end dates of previous

        projects, to create realis c  melines for future projects. It can also facilitate remote access and

        prac cal training material for staff, to empower them with requisite knowledge and skills. This
        helps cut down resource on-boarding  me, consequently expedi ng project delivery.

        Tackle cross-func onal issues

        Interoperability issues and clashes between architectural, engineering and MEP models and
        plans o en hinder successful project execu on.

        This can be tackled by u lising AI-powered genera ve design, integrated into BIM technology,
        which can pre-emp vely iden fy and mi gate poten al conflicts by leveraging ML algorithms.

        These can generate several design varia ons as per project constraints, minimising rework,

        op mising 3D models, and ensuring seamless coordina on among different teams.

        Risk management and mi ga on

        Construc on projects come with several risks pertaining to quality, safety,  me, and cost. The
        risk quo ent is o en higher in the case of larger projects as it involves mul ple contractors.

        Project managers can u lise AI and ML solu ons, as well as AI integrated construc on site

        management so ware to monitor on-site opera ons through cameras and visual recogni on

        technologies, thereby iden fying and mi ga ng hazards to enhance safety outcomes and
        project efficiency.

        Automa on shaping the future

        Innova ons such as autonomous bulldozers and robo c assembly lines not only accelerate

        project  meline, but also enhance workplace safety and wellbeing by replacing humans to
        perform hazardous and repe  ve tasks. Automa on will play a major role in shaping the

        construc on industry’s future, as these advanced mechanisms help build components with

        precision and op mise resource alloca on.

        This gives team members the  me and ability to focus on complex construc on nuances that

        require crea vity and exper se. For instance, Trimble’s cu ng-edge solu ons can be integrated                                        3/4
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