Page 192 - MBRF PR REPORT - May 2024
P. 192

5/2/24, 8:45 AM              MBRF delegation visits Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation’s headquarters
        Dr. Hany Torky, Chief Technical Adviser and Project Manager, UNDP’s Knowledge Project, participated
        in a productive meeting focused on addressing the challenges presented in the GKI report. The meeting
        underscored the importance of member states consistently updating their data to maintain favorable
        positions that reflect advancements within the index-monitored sectors.

        During their visit, both parties engaged in discussions concerning the GKI officials’ participation at the
        upcoming Conference of Ministers of Education in the Islamic World, scheduled for October in Muscat,
        Sultanate of Oman. Additionally, they explored ICESCO’s participation in the upcoming edition of the
        ‘Knowledge Summit’ in Dubai. Discussions also covered the possibilities of organizing workshops aimed

        to benefit experts from ICESCO member states, familiarizing them with the operational mechanisms of
        the GKI. The MBRF delegation highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts among relevant states,
        emphazising the need for accurate and realistic data to ensure the issuance of an authentic annual index
        report. Furthermore, they highlighted the exchange of relevant expertise and experiences as key

        aspects of cooperation.

        His Excellency Jamal bin Huwaireb, CEO of the MBRF, said: “As the knowledge sector rapidly evolves,
        collaboration and collective efforts among diverse stakeholders have become more essential than ever.
        This visit reflects our dedication to fostering cooperation with various institutions, organizations, and

        entities involved in knowledge development. We consider this visit as an opportunity to drive progress
        and inspire creativity in the knowledge field, particularly amid the escalating global challenges we are

        His Excellency added: “This visit represents a continuation of MBRF’s constant efforts to advance
        knowledge development, further highlighting our strong belief in the importance of empowering the

        youth for sustainable development. Our collaboration stands as a testament to our commitment to
        improving the performance of ICESCO member states in the Global Knowledge Index, while also
        promoting global development, bridging knowledge divides, and driving progress.”

        At the end of the visit, both parties stressed the significance of strengthening collaboration and

        coordination among the MBRF, ICESCO, and various member states. This marks a significant step
        towards forging strategic partnerships in knowledge advancement. The visit exemplifies MBRF’s
        commitment to enhancing the capabilities of member states and directing its efforts towards shaping a
        promising future of knowledge that actively promotes sustainable development.

        For further information, please contact:

        Orient Planet Group (OPG)

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