Page 194 - MBRF PR REPORT - May 2024
P. 194

      5/2/24, 8:45 AM                                  MBRF del eg a ion vis ts ICESCO headquar ers
       MBRF del eg a tion vis its ICESCO headquar ters

       Gulf Today · 2 May 2024

       RABAT: Led by Jamal Bin Huwaireb, CEO of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Mak toum Know -

       ledge Found a tion (MBRF), a del eg a tion of the Found a tion vis ited the headquar ters of the
       Islamic World Edu ca tional, Sci enti c, and Cul tural Organ isa tion (ICESCO) in Rabat, the cap -
       ital of Morocco. The del eg a tion was gra ciously wel comed by Dr. Salim M. Alma lik, Dir ector-
       gen eral of ICESCO, at the main headquar ters.

       Dur ing the visit, the MBRF and ICESCO dis cussed strategies to enhance bilat eral col lab or a -
       tion. This aligns with the agree ment signed by both parties in March 2023, high light ing the
       sig ni  c ance of lever aging their expert ise and cap ab il it ies to strengthen cooper a tion. The key
       object ive is to foster know ledge advance ment and rein force the cap ab il it ies of ICESCO’S

       mem ber nations, thereby enhan cing their pos i tion in the Global Know ledge Index (GKI). The
       GKI serves as a guide for eval u at ing indic at ors, con duct ing research, and pro mot ing know -
       ledge-related stud ies on a global scale.
       Dr. Hany Torky, Chief Tech nical Adviser and Project Man ager, UNDP’S Know ledge Project,

       par ti cip ated in a pro duct ive meet ing focused on address ing the chal lenges presen ted in the
       GKI report. The meet ing under scored the import ance of mem ber states con sist ently updat ing
       their data to main tain favour able pos i tions that re ect advance ments within the index-mon -
       itored sec tors.

       Dur ing their visit, both parties engaged in dis cus sions con cern ing the GKI o  cials’ par ti cip a -
       tion at the upcom ing Con fer ence of Min is ters of Edu ca tion in the Islamic World, sched uled for
       Octo ber in Mus cat, Sul tan ate of Oman. Addi tion ally, they explored ICESCO’S par ti cip a tion in
       the upcom ing edi tion of the ‘Know ledge Sum mit’ in Dubai. Dis cus sions also covered the pos -

       sib il it ies of organ ising work shops to bene  t experts from ICESCO mem ber states, famil i ar -
       ising them with the oper a tional mech an isms of the GKI. The MBRF del eg a tion high lighted the
       import ance of col lab or at ive e orts among rel ev ant states, emphas ising the need for accur ate
       and real istic data to ensure the issu ance of an authen tic annual index report.

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