Page 17 - T4 Education PR REPORT - June 2024
P. 17

Two UAE schools make Top 10 for World’s Best School Prizes 2024
        year’s winners will share a $50,000 prize fund and will be invited to the World Schools Summit, to be held in
        Dubai on November 23-24, 2024.

        Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills, an independent kindergarten through secondary school in
        Dubai, UAE, which empowers students with programmes like personalised learning pathways and project-

        based learning, driving community change through culturally responsive   educa on and sustainability

        projects, has been named in the Top 10 shortlist for the World’s Best School Prize for Environmental Ac on.

        GEMS Legacy School, an independent school in Dubai, UAE, which is a pioneer in comprehensive wellness in

        educa on, impac ng over 6,285 students with ini a ves like school-wide fruit breaks and sleep hygiene
        workshops, promo ng holis c wellbeing and sustainable lifestyle choices, has been named in the Top 10

        shortlist for the World’s Best School Prize for Suppor ng Health Lives.

        The five World’s Best School Prizes – for Community Collabora on, Environmental Ac on, Innova on,

        Overcoming Adversity, and Suppor ng Healthy Lives – were established in the wake of COVID in 2022 to give
        a pla orm to schools that are changing lives in their classrooms and far beyond their walls, sharing their

        best prac ces to help improve   educa on everywhere.

        The winners of the five Prizes will be chosen by an expert Judging Academy based on rigorous criteria. In

        addi on, all 50 shortlisted schools across the five Prizes will also take part in a Public Vote, which opened
        today. The school which receives the most public votes will receive the Community Choice Award and

        membership to T4   Educa on’s Best School to Work programme to help them support teacher wellbeing
        and solve the teacher recruitment and reten on crisis.

        Vikas Pota, Founder of T4   Educa on and the World’s Best School Prizes, said:

        “Unless we solve the urgent challenges global   educa on faces – from learning gaps exacerbated by COVID
        to chronic underfunding and the growing teacher wellbeing, recruitment and reten on crisis – we will have
        failed the next genera on.

        “Trailblazing UAE schools like Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills and GEMS Legacy School, which
        have cul vated a strong culture and aren’t afraid to innovate, show the difference that can be made to so
        many lives. Schools everywhere can now learn from their solu ons, and it’s  me governments do so as well.”

        Jill Huntley, Managing Director – Global Corporate Ci zenship, at Accenture, said:

        “Congratula ons to Dubai Interna onal Academy Emirates Hills in the UAE on being named among the Top
        10 finalists for the World’s Best School Prize for Environmental Ac on 2024. Your vital work brings hope that
        solu ons can be found to some of the greatest challenges we face today. Through the pla orm of the
        World’s Best School Prizes, your solu ons will now inspire countless others across the globe from the
        classrooms to the administra on.

        “Accenture is proud to be a part of T4   Educa on’s ini a ve in empowering the next genera on to tackle
        global sustainability challenges by increasing access to and use of the latest technologies and innova ve

        prac ces.”

        Chennai expat in Kuwait makes it to the Finals of Mrs India Empress 2024

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