Page 21 - T4 Education PR REPORT - June 2024
P. 21

Two UAE schools shortlisted for global awards over environment and health initiatives

        Ea ng the right food and ge ng enough rest is crucial for children, an educa on expert said.

        Pupils walk while carrying water without spilling it, an exercise that helps them understand what
        children experience in other parts of the world where water is scarce.

        The school also organised sleep hygiene workshops and taught children why they should sleep at a
        certain time instead of staying up to scroll through social media.

        “Especially in places like Dubai, where it's very hot and children don't exercise, there is a great
        tendency to have fast food. So, we have instituted fruit breaks to make sure children eat clean,” said
        Ms Alexander.

        Giving pupils the power to lead

        The Dubai International Academy Emirates Hills has an Eco Club with an impressive 15-year-old legacy.

        The club hosted the inaugural model Cop28 event in November 2023, allowing 130 pupils from across
        Dubai to tackle pressing environmental issues, particularly plastic pollution in the UAE, through

        Hitesh Bhagat, principal at the Dubai International Academy Emirates Hills, said: “The most important

        part of what our school does is that it is student-led. It's not something which we are pushing, pupils
        come with different ideas.

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