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General Authority of Sports signs MoU with its partners to foster
growth of sports cadres
UAE, September 28, 2022- The General Authority of Sports (GAS) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the National
Olympic Academy and the UAE Sports Sciences and Sports Medicine Center, to strengthen eéorts in developing and enhancing sports
cadres in the sector. This is in line with the ‘Principles of the 50’ which focuses on encouraging more investments in developing human
capital, promoting the exchange of expertise and knowledge in sports and its applied sciences. This further aims to foster collaborations
between sports institutions, improve administrative work, and raise a generation that leads the future of the sports sector.
The agreement was signed by Omar Abdulrahman Al Ali, Director of Leaders Qualiêcation Centre, representative of the GAS, Mohammed
bin Darwish, Executive Director of the National Olympic Academy, and Abdulla Meyiwa, head of the interim management committee of
the UAE Sports Sciences and Sports Medicine Center. The MoU was signed in the presence of H.E Saeed Abdul Ghaéar, Secretary-General
of the General Authority for Sports, and H.E Eng. Azza bint Sulaiman, Assistant Secretary-General for Administrative and Financial Aéairs
of the National Olympic Committee.
H.E Saeed Abdul Ghaéar said: “Through this MoU, the Authority aims to further collaborate with its partners and strengthen its eéorts in
advancing the sports sector as well as enhance its administrative mechanisms by boosting the capabilities of all administrative cadres.
The agreement targets to develop work mechanisms, promote administrative development, as well as foster an environment that drives
excellence and advancements in the sector. Furthermore, the Authority strives to consistently keep pace with the recent international
studies and adopt them, in order to empower new cadres and make them well-prepared to hold leading positions in the sector.”
H.E Eng. Azza bint Sulaiman stated that this MoU reëects the steadfast commitment to promote the administrative system of sports
sector. “This will further enhance the sector, inëuencing its technical eéorts and assisting in organizing various work mechanisms,
developing several methods to identify and nurture talents utilizing the most recent development techniques and international academic
studies in the sports industry,” H.E added.
Emphasizing the signiêcance of signing this agreement, Abdulla Meyiwa underlined that the Center works in collaboration with the GAS
and the National Olympic Academy to train and advance sports cadres’ skills in various sport êelds. He added: “We look forward to
devising various strategies and initiatives for academic sports training, which will help signiêcantly in the development of the skills and
capabilities of the sports cadres, enabling them to match pace with the most advanced, international technical and professional
The MoU fosters the exchange of knowledge, documents, studies, and curricula pertaining to physical education and sports, women’s
sports, gender equality, and the Olympic movement. Additionally, it also strives to develop and implement mutual sports programs,
forums, workshops, and scientiêc, professional, and academic conferences, in addition to acknowledging the training certiêcates of the
mutually held programs.
This agreement is regarded as an embodiment of the collaboration between institutions in the sports sector to encourage the exchange
of expertise and knowledge. By improving administrative work, enhancing vocational and technical skills, establishing an administrative
culture based on the most recent scientiêc curricula, this agreement is expected to help build a resilient future for the sports sector.
The General Authority of Sports has recently relaunched the UAE Sports Sciences and Sports Medicine Center with a new design, which is 1/4