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12/19/24, 3:39 PM MBRF pub ishes 3 sci entific books in Arabic
MBRF pub lishes 3 sci entific books in Arabic
Gulf Today · 16 Dec 2024
DUBAI: As part of the out puts of the Dubai Inter na tional Pro gram for Writ ing (DIPW), an ini -
ti at ive under taken by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Mak toum Know ledge Found a tion
(MBRF), a col lec tion of sci enti c books has been pub lished that focus on the adverse e ects of
global warm ing and optimal solu tions to mit ig ate them.
Macao Group Pub lish ing’s sci enti c team pub lished two books, “Defor est a tion and Deser ti -
c a tion” and “Green house Gases.”
These pub lic a tions were trans lated into Arabic by Esraa Mohammed Mustafa under the
super vi sion of Dr. Ghanim Al Samar rai.
The book titled “Defor est a tion and Deser ti c a tion” high lights the import ance of forests as a
key ele ment in pre serving the earth’s eco sys tem.
Forests serve as hab it ats for numer ous plants and anim als, play ing a cru cial role in reg u lat ing
the cli mate by absorb ing car bon diox ide. However, deser ti c a tion and defor est a tion pose
immense threats to these eco sys tems, res ult ing in high car bon diox ide emis sions that
exacer bate the green house e ect and drive sig ni c ant cli mate change.
Fur ther more, deser ti c a tion a ects the earth’s abil ity to sus tain life, lead ing to the deple tion
of vital resources such as water and food. The book under scores the imme di ate need for coun -
tries to imple ment solu tions to reduce defor est a tion and enhance envir on mental sus tain ab il -
ity, includ ing refor est a tion and biod iversity pre ser va tion, to address cli mate chal lenges and
ensure a pros per ous and sus tain able future for gen er a tions to come.
The book “Green house Gases” explains the phe nomenon of global warm ing, high light ing
how human activ it ies have dis rup ted the bal ance of nature, lead ing to an unpre ced en ted
increase in green house gas levels in the atmo sphere.
Among these pub lic a tions, the Macao Group’s sci enti c team pre pared the “Recyc ling and
Reusing” book. The book was trans lated into Arabic by Waseela Mustafa Hammam under the
super vi sion of Dr. Ghanim Al Samar rai.
This book exam ines the grow ing volume of waste pro duced by humans and its adverse e ects,
includ ing increased green house gas emis sions and the deple tion of nat ural resources.
It explores e ect ive waste man age ment strategies to mit ig ate these impacts, such as redu cing
con sump tion to min im ise waste gen er a tion and reusing mater i als to pre serve resources.
Addi tion ally, it emphas izes the import ance of recyc ling waste to cre ate new and bene cial
mater i als.
The book high lights the need to raise aware ness about the impact of waste on global warm ing
and urges com pan ies and indi vidu als to act respons ibly by adopt ing sus tain able prac tices to
reduce harm ful emis sions and com bat global warm ing. 1/1