Page 16 - LAMBORGHINI PR REPORT - December 2023
P. 16

1/3/24, 11:50 AM                         Lamborghini Dubai receives ‘Lamborghini Dealers Excellence Award’
        Lamborghini Dubai receives ‘Lamborghini Dealers

        Excellence Award’

        Lamborghini Dubai receives ‘Lamborghini Dealers Excellence Award’for its Outstanding Marketing
        Strategies and Promotional Achievements

        UAE, December 29, 2023

        Lamborghini Dubai won the ‘Lamborghini Dealers Excellence Award’ in the Marketing
        categorygloballyunderscoring its unwavering commitment and robust cooperation in crafting effective and
        creative marketing strategies.

        Lamborghini Dubai was recognised for their exceptional and innovative marketing strategies within the
        automotive industry. They have successfully engaged and immersed their audiences, leaving a lasting impact and
        setting new standards of excellence in promotional endeavours in the automotive sector setting the bar high for
        others to follow. The award ceremony also recognised the exceptional achievements and contributions of other
        Lamborghini dealers towards the brand and their communities in two other distinct categories.

        Rakan Turki, CEO of Lamborghini Abu Dhabi and Dubai, commented: “I am incredibly honoured and
        proud of this outstanding achievement, receiving this Dealers Excellence Award in the category of Marketing.
        Our unwavering commitment, creative thinking, and relentless pursuit of excellence has not only made a lasting
        impression on the Lamborghini community but also garnered global recognition. It has been a phenomenal year
        and capping it off with this recognition makes it even more remarkable. This accolade embodies theseamless
        collaboration and consistent dedication to elevating the Lamborghini brand and upholding its core values.”

        The Excellence Awards provided a platform to recognise and celebrate the combined efforts of Lamborghini
        dealers worldwide, exemplifying the brand’s commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering unparalleled
        luxury and performance within the automotive industry.

        Lamborghini dealers, renowned for their steadfast dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences
        through cutting-edge technology and bespoke services, are poised to further redefine the automotive landscape.
        Fuelled by the unwavering passion of the global community, they will continue to inspire success and
        innovation, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.


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