Page 21 - LAMBORGHINI PR REPORT - December 2023
P. 21

1/3/24, 11:50 AM  Lamborghini Dubai Receives 'Lamborghini Dealers Excellence Award' For Its Outstanding Marketing Strategies And Promotional A…

        Lamborghini Dubai Receives 'Lamborghini

        Dealers Excellence Award' For Its

        Outstanding Marketing Strategies And

        Promotional Achievements

         Date                        Share on Facebook     Tweet on Twitter
         12/29/2023 9:07:28 AM

        (MENAFN- Mid-East) tdi_2:not(.td-a-rec-no-translate){transform:translateZ(0)}.tdi_2 tdi_2
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        Lamborghini Dubai won the 'Lamborghini Dealers Excellence Award' in the Marketing

        category globally underscoring its unwavering commitment and robust cooperation in crafting
        effective and creative marketing strategies.

        Lamborghini Dubai was recognised for their exceptional and innovative marketing strategies

        within the automotive industry. They have successfully engaged and immersed their
        audiences, leaving a lasting impact and setting new standards of excellence in promotional

        endeavours in the automotive sector setting the bar high for others to follow. The award
        ceremony also recognised the exceptional achievements and contributions of other
        Lamborghini dealers towards the brand and their communities in two other distinct categories.

        Rakan Turki, CEO of Lamborghini Abu Dhabi and Dubai, commented:“I am incredibly
        honoured and proud of this outstanding achievement, receiving this Dealers Excellence…  1/2
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