Page 14 - Jetour PR Report- May 2024
P. 14

Jetour Presents its ‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the ...

        Jetour Presents its ‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the World’

        Theme at Beijing Auto Show

        By:  Neel Pa ra  ·  May 11,2024  ·  4 min read

        The highly an cipated Beijing Auto Show was embraced with open arms as manufacturers le  no stone
        unturned to display ground-breaking vehicles, concept designs, pla orms that revealed the mobility of
        tomorrow and powertrains contrived on the pillar of sustainable locomo on.
        A no ceable amount of hubbub was casted by the young Jetour brand which has swi ly expanded into 50
        countries and is leading in the regions of Uruguay, Ecuador, Angola and other markets. It’s the fastest
        growing SUV brand in China with models that are based on the superla ves of travel and adventure.

        To showcase its version of the future of mobility, the Chinese brand presented models and new drivetrains
        based on the theme of ‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the World.’ It provided insights on how it aims to be the
        leader in the automo ve ambit and presented sta s cs on the remarkable growth and acceptance it has
        achieved since it transformed into an independent brand with autonomous opera ons in 2019.

        With the Chinese automo ve industry recording an explosive 57.9 percent export growth in the 2022-23
        fiscal, Jetour played a pivotal role in helping the industry achieve this feat by recording sales of 1.1 million
        units within 68 months from the  me it introduced its maiden product. This profound presence was further
        emboldened by consumer preroga ve for adventure travel, increased urbaniza on, and rising income which
        has given a shoot to propensity to spend.
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