Page 16 - Jetour PR Report- May 2024
P. 16

Jetour Presents its ‘Enjoy the Journey, Embrace the ...

        Similarly, the T5 model, personalized for thrilling adventures on rough sec ons, features a 2.0-litre turbo-
        petrol engine coupled with ba ery assistance. This ensures an unruffled and comfortable experience on
        even the most challenging paths while giving a strong range, thanks to efficient power regenera on.

        Following the same route, is the T7 SUV which not only leaves a daun ng remark on other SUVs with its
        humongous 5.5-metre length, but also has the oomph to decimate everything in its path, courtesy of a 2.0-
        litre turbocharged engine with electric ba ery scaffold. It sports independent motors on both axles and an
        adap ve suspension to eliminate jerks or any uncanny feeling when venturing on off-road expedi ons.
        Uniquely, it also flanks the capability of traversing through water and a fully armored body for paramount

        Jetour enthusias cally highlights its ‘Travel’ philosophy when it releases a new model. This signifies that it
        develops designs, infuses models with technology, and stresses comprehensively on consumer aspira ons to
        load its cars with technology, drivetrains and creature comforts that would come in handy when people
        undertake to explore and create mesmerizing experiences in the process.

        Ke ChuanDeng, Vice President of JETOUR Auto said, “Travel knows no boundaries, and neither does
        JETOUR’s future. In an era of rapidly advancing automo ve technology and evolving consumer desires,
        JETOUR is not just offering a vehicle, it is promo ng a lifestyle in line with its ‘Travel’ philosophy.”

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