Page 76 - Salik PR Report July 2024
P. 76

7/31/24, 1:28 PM                    Dubai Salik: What are the updated rules and how to contest penalties | The National

          Maximum annual fine
          The maximum aggregate fine per vehicle for a c alendar ye ar should “not exceed

          Dh10,000”, the ter ms and conditions specify. This per iod is defined as running from
          Januar y 1 to December 31.

          Dr ivers c an face penal ties for flouting rules. These rules include crossing a toll gate without

          sufficient b alance on your account. A Dh50 fine is imposed if you do not top up your
          b alance sufficiently within five wor king days. There is a maximum of one bre ach a day for
          ever y vehicle.

          Increasing fines for unregistered cars
          Motor ists who dr ive through a toll gate without a registered tag on their vehicle and do not
          register a tag within 10 wor king days c an face a range of fines.

          A Dh100 charge is levied for the first bre ach, r ising to Dh200 for the second offence and a
          Dh400 fine for ever y subsequent time a vehicles crosses a toll gate while not registered in
          the Salik system.

          There is again a maximum of one bre ach a day for ever y vehicle.

          Anyone found to have tampered with a Salik tag for fraudulent pur poses c an be fined

          The same Dh10,000 penal t y is also liable for c ausing damage to a Salik toll gate.

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