Page 77 - Salik PR Report July 2024
P. 77
7/31/24, 1:28 PM Dubai Salik: What are the updated rules and how to contest penalties | The National
Dormant Salik accounts deactivated
The new ter ms and conditions specify that a Salik account will be de activated “if there are
no tolls or p ayments made or b alance recharge posted” to it for five ye ars.
The rules also state that any remaining b alance will be for feited when the account becomes
Disputing a fine
A Salik user c an contest a toll bre ach only if the claim is entered on their traffic file within 13
months of the fine being issued.
Faul t y tag
In the c ase of a Salik tag being found defective, the user must infor m Salik within 90 days
of noticing the issue. Salik will then replace the tag at no charge.
Lost or stolen tag 4/8