Page 49 - TRIMBLE PR REPORT - November 2023
P. 49

Assessing the role of technological advancements in the construction of modern airports - LogisticsGulf
        of job opportuni es on a global scale. However, it is worth no ng that this increased
        demand can also raise the chances of an infrastructure crisis.

        Dubai, renowned for its magnificence and ambi on, has consistently worked to
        improve its infrastructure to meet the expanding needs of its residents and visitors.
        Addi onally, there has been an increase in tourists, which has necessitated the
        expansion of Dubai’s airports.

        Dubai reportedly welcomed 4.67mn overnight visitors in the first three months of
        2023, up by 17 per cent from the 3.97mn tourists who visited during the same period

        in 2022. Given the clear need for significant development in the city’s airport system,
        the emirate has been inves ng in local megaprojects that can directly enhance its
        airport facili es and services.

        Economic boost

        According to MEED, the expansion of the Al-Maktoum Interna onal airport, es mated
        to cost AED 120bn (US$ 33bn), is posi oned to provide a significant economic boost to

        the emirate, especially as it aims to become the world’s largest airport by 2050 with an
        annual capacity of up to 255mn passengers.

        Architects and designers of the project have noted that the design strategy places a
        strong emphasis on fostering the development of an integrated commercial
        environment that will increase consumer engagement and intelligently u lise space.
        With the advances in technology, this can be easy to accomplish.

        For instance, the Building Informa on Modelling (BIM) concept can foresee the virtual
        construc on of the facility prior to its actual physical construc on to reduce

        uncertainty, improve safety, resolve hindrances, and simulate and analyse poten al

        To meet the growing demand for sustainable flying, industry experts have also
        recognised the significance of integra ng cu ng-edge digital technologies. BIM,
        addi ve manufacturing, industrial Internet of Things (IoT), cloud compu ng, big data

        analy cs, autonomous robots, along with virtual, augmented, and mixed reali es are
        all examples of technologies that could be effec vely integrated into construc on

        Data governance

        Airports, which generate vast quan  es of documents from various par es,
        necessitate project control and data governance. There is a need for a standardised  2/4
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