Page 50 - TRIMBLE PR REPORT - November 2023
P. 50
Assessing the role of technological advancements in the construction of modern airports - LogisticsGulf
informa on management system at these
facili es, similar to digital construc on
systems like connected construc on, cloud
compu ng and storage, digital twins, and AI
systems among others, that will make it
possible to track, replicate, and op mise all
ac vi es.
Trimble believes that the construc on of
airports needs to start moving in the Paul Walle , Regional Director
direc on of a more data-centric approach, to
achieve greater visibility and improved of Trimble, Middle East and India
communica on flow. Many of the problems
associated with subop mal informa on exchange that causes project delays and
increased costs could be resolved by using robo cs, digitally enabled methods, and
use of standard data.
As a result, approval procedures will be faster and so ware applica ons will become
more interoperable, all of which will lead to improved security, efficiency, and
affordability, which are essen al to building airports for the future. The
implementa on of true BIM also appears to be a requirement today to unlock these
key benefits.
Adding value
Given these numerous technological advances, Trimble is now a leader in adding value
to massive mega-infrastructure projects. The company played a key role in the
construc on of the Adly Mansour metro sta on in Egypt, and the Riyadh Metro
project, in addi on to numerous airports around the world which have been built
using Trimble’s Tekla so ware and robo c systems.
Tekla is capable of tackling challenges with data-rich so ware and me culous
workflows, and its structural engineering so ware solu ons are driving the BIM
revolu on.
The Kunming Wujiaba Interna onal Airport, China, is one such example. China chose
Trimble machine control, paving, and compac on control systems to decrease the
amount of rework required on the construc on site, saving me, money, and
materials for the massive US$ 3.6bn interna onal airport project.
Any airport infrastructure project requires the ac ve engagement of mul ple
organisa ons. Addi onal par cipants may also include a large number of consultants, 3/4