Page 6 - Centena Group PR Report - September 2024
P. 6


           No.             PRESS RELEASES (ENGLISH AND ARABIC)                                  DATE

            1      Emphor DLAS and PerkinElmer partner to revolutionise                        September 2024
                            future of Laboratory Solutions in UAE and Qatar

                                            OPINION PIECES

                Publication                Topic                       DATE                     STATUS

                               How mobile credentials are
                                 changing access control
             Security Middle      landscape? - By Faisal         September 2024                Published
                  East             Mohamed, CEO of
                                 ScreenCheck at Centena
                                Maritronics -How surge in
                               global trade complexity has
                    -                                            September 2024           Pending with client
                                   driven innovation in
                                    maritime solutions
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