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Yet, hitting such a target isn't just about accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. It
               means choreographing moves that gracefully guide existing internal combustion engine
               (ICE) vehicles toward a more sustainable alternative.
               Jaideep Kapani, a consultant specializing in EV and ESG partnerships, breaks it down,
               saying,  "Getting  upgraded  cars  on  ICE  is  simpler,  thanks  to  the  existing  refueling
               infrastructure. Transitioning to EVs is a game changer. It's about 'Energy' Infrastructure,
               government policies paving the way, financing for vehicle purchases, and the economic
               upsides of making the switch."

               Kapani talks about various sectors - Electric vehicles, micro-mobility, last-mile delivery,
               and  more.  However,  the  biggest  roadblock  in  the  EV  journey  today  is  the  price  tag.
               Globally,  EVs  come  with  a  heftier  price,  but  Kapani  points  out  that  as  with  any  new
               technology, development and scale will eventually ease the burden.

               "More EVs are rolling into the market. Yet, the current average price is over 200,000 AED,
               which is substantial. Then there's the issue of charging infrastructure. Still, efforts are in
               full swing to set up charging stations and develop the infrastructure," elaborates Adam
               Ridgway,  founder  of  the  EV  startup  One-Moto,  a  cutting-edge  Dubai-based  electric
               mobility  start-up  focused  on  developing  and  manufacturing electric  vehicles,  charging
               infrastructure, and sustainable transportation solutions for the last mile industry.

               Ridgway adds that what's needed is more automakers and major players jumping into the
               arena,  manufacturing  more  EVs.  The  more  brands  offering  EVs,  the  more  the
               infrastructure and support network will naturally follow suit.
               He  notes  that  presently,  Tesla  claims  around  52%  of  Dubai's  EV  market  share,  with
               Porsche and MG owning 19% and 10%, respectively. The remaining slice belongs to
               other contenders. The region is on a supply-driven trajectory.
               Kapani chimes in, highlighting that in Dubai, the four-wheeler market rules the road due
               to factors like speed, safety, distance, and the sizzling heat. Adapting ICE bikes to EVs
               here is about 50-60% pricier. The quest is on for a product that can carry a load, cover
               long distances on a single charge, and endure Dubai's harsh conditions.
               Dubai's government has already made a gearshift by transitioning its taxi fleet to hybrids.
               The ambitious plan is to ultimately go electric, and fast charging is the pit stop on this
               journey. The roadmap begins with hybrids and accelerates to full electric.
               "The real game-changer will be the availability of more EV brands in the market," Ridgway
               adds. Embracing EVs isn't just about individuals; it's an all-encompassing transformation
               requiring infrastructure, policy changes, and everyone's participation.

               "For fleet operators, capital costs outweigh those of ICE vehicles. Savings on fuel are
               outweighed  by  planning  charging  and  swapping  logistics.  For  4-wheeler  owners  who
               travel long distances, the current range barely gets them through the day. Government
               backing  in  infrastructure  building  will  expedite  EV  adoption  across  2-wheelers,  3-
               wheelers, 4-wheelers, and even buses," Kapani emphasises.

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