P. 57

Press Release

                   dependable methodology and a widely accepted motif that supports the strategic goals of

                   the  ‘Year  of  Sustainability,’ which was announced  under  the slogan  ‘Today  for
                   Tomorrow’. By working on this initiative, we aim to mitigate the negative consequences

                   of climate change on the security of food and water. We also seek to contribute to the
                   preservation of the natural resources, in order to ensure that future generations enjoy the

                   same and higher standard of living that the state offers to families today. Families must
                   work together to solve environmental challenges, particularly those related to pollution,

                   conserving water and power, reducing environmental impact, and transforming family's
                   eating  and  spending  patterns.  This  calls  on  each  family  to  assume  accountability  for

                   protecting the natural richness and being fully aware of the rights of future generations.”

                   Al Mansoori elaborated that the one of the main themes for the Social Sustainability 2023

                   Forum aims is the advancing social sustainable development. Furthermore, she emphasised
                   that educating the public and giving families and empowering people more in relation to
                   sustainable resource use and environmental protection are also part of the efforts of the

                   forum. Additionally, she pointed out that it seeks to encourage families to adopt more

                   sustainable  lifestyles,  connect  them  with  institutions  that  support  sustainability  and
                   resource  conservation,  contribute  to  the  well-being  of  families and society,  strengthen

                   collaborations  in  the  field  of  sustainability  between  regional  public  and  commercial

                   She further stated that the forum is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate

                   Change and Environment, Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority, Department
                   of Energy, Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, Red Crescent Authority,

                   Tourism and Culture Authority, Ministry of Interior - Saif bin Zayed Academy for Police
                   and Security Sciences, Youth Councils, and Emirates Business Women's Association. In

                   collaboration  with  educational  institutions,  workshops  and  events  are  also  being  held
                   targeting women and young people, educating them on how to properly set priorities and

                   inspiring community to embrace new ideas that help improve the standard of living for
                   families and society in a sustainable way.

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